Saturday, March 9, 2013

iFighter 1945 Bomb and Health Cheats

iFighter 1945 Bomb and Health Cheats. As the ace pilot of the airforce in WWII, your mission is to destroy the secret weapon prototypes of the Nazis. Fasten your seat belt and get ready for some non-stop action! iFighter 1945 Bomb and Health Cheats.


GameCIH3 or GameCIH2 or GameGuardian
Magic File
Steps iFighter 1945 Bomb Cheats:

Start the game and open GameGuardian
Search for "3" since you get 3 bombs in the beginning
Use 1 bomb so that you are left with 2
Search for "2"
Use another bomb and search for "1"
If you still don't get about 2-3 results, use another bomb and search for "0"
Now change the value to whatever you want

Steps iFighter 1945 Health Cheats:

Start the game and open GameGuardian
When you have full health, search for "45000"
Now let your health decrease by 1 health bar
Now search for "42000" (Note: Each bar is of value 3000. When your health is full ie. you have 15 bars, you will search for value 3000 x 15 = 45000. If your health decreases from 15 to 1 bar, you will search for 45000 - 3000 = 42000 and so on )
Repeat this process until you get only 2-3 results
Change the health to 45000 and lock it if you want. (Remember that the maximum health you can have is 45000 )

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 1:18 PM