Hey survivors! We have been working really hard on getting our skill tree implemented and before it goes live we wanted to give you, the players, a chance to check it out and give us some feedback on them! These are currently being tested internally and subject to change, especially with your feedback. We value your opinions so please let us know what you think! Please, when giving feedback try to be as constructive as possible, as this will help us get to the information we need quickly.
By performing certain activities and completing tasks, players will earn experience points to spend on unlocking skills. There are no classes and players are not limited to speccing into certain skill trees. Players are able to eventually unlock all skills in the entire tree over time; the more time you put into the game, the more you get out of it by unlocking cool skills. There is no one way players have to unlock skills, like all things in the War Z world, the choice on how you play is up to you. You can unlock one entire tree before moving on to the others or unlock all branches one skill at a time as soon as you have the experience points available to do so.
Players start at the center of the tree, with 4 branches leading off to different skill groups.
The Physical branch allows players to increase things like strength for carrying more weight, health and stamina increases and more.
The weapons branch helps to increase proficiency and skill in ranged and melee combat.
The survival branch of course helps with survival, from medical to useful survival skills these will definitely come in handy in War Z. There is even a skill which lowers your aggro to zombies, something that all survivors in zombie filled worlds learn over time, and now you can learn it in War Z.
The newest addition to the design is the Repair branch. We are implementing item and weapon degradation soon and this branch will become in valuable to everyone. Learning how to repair your items will save your life. Along with the skill to repair, players will also learn the skill of taking care of their weapons so they last longer in the weapon degradation branch.

Alive and Well 1 | Increased health 1 |
Rule #1 1 | Increased Stamina 1 |
Strong Like Bull 1 | Carry more weight 1 |
No Rest For The Wicked 1 | Faster Stamina regeneration 1 |
Rule #1 2 | Increased Stamina 2 |
No Rest For The Wicked 2 | Faster Stamina regeneration 2 |
Strong Like Bull 2 | Carry more weight 2 |
Alive and Well 2 | Increased health 2 |
Close combat 1 | Increased melee damage 1 |
On target | Reduce weapon Spread |
Close combat 2 | Increased melee damage 2 |
Keep it steady | Lower weapon recoil |
Concentration 1 | Hold breath longer / sniper |
Close combat 3 | Increased melee damage 3 |
Concentration 2 | Hold breath longer / sniper |
Weapon degradation tree (coming soon)SURVIVAL |
Hunger Strike 1 | Hunger decreases slower 1 |
Field Medic 1 | Improved bandages 1 |
Stalker | Quieter footsteps |
Survivalist 1 | When out of food and water, players health decreases slower 1 |
Stunt Man 1 | Take less fall damage 1 |
Hunger Strike 2 | Hunger decreases slower 2 |
Field Medic 2 | Improved bandages 2 |
Survivalist 2 | When out of food and water, players health decreases slower 2 |
Stunt Man 2 | Take less fall damage 2 |
Field Medic 3 | Improved bandages 3 |
Hardened | Take less damage overall |
Walker Stalker | Lowers detection radius when near zombies |
Handyman | Repair items 1 |
Gunsmith | Repair guns 1 |
Handyman | Repair items 2 |
Gunsmith | Repair guns 2 |
You can expect some cosmetic tweaks to the layout, so its easier to understand, but we'd like your input.