Too Many Items 1.4.7 Mod Features
- Add items to your inventory (If on SMP, you don’t need to know the item ID #. This is very helpful)
- Unlimited Stacks
- Save and Load up to 7 Inventories (SP Only)
- Put items you don’t need in the trash (SP Only)
- Get previously unobtainable items such as leaves and bedrock in your inventory

Too many Items 1.4.7 Mod Updates
- Save states now save and load item enchantments. Minor improvements to the item list.
- Small but important bugfix for multiplayer.
- Updated for Minecraft release 1.4.7
- Type “O” to turn on/off
- Shift+Click for unlimited
- Vanilla server command: /give {0} {1} {2} {3}
- Bukkit with the Essentials mod command: /item {1}:{3} {2}
- Fast crafting: Right-click on the output square when crafting to craft the maximum possible amount
- Go to Start Menu
- Click on run
- Type in “%appdata%” (without quotes)
- Find a folder named “/.minecraft/” go inside and find a /bin/ folder.
- Delete the /bin/ folder.
- Open up minecraft and log in. This will re-instate your /bin/ and is called “cleaning your folder.”
- Inside the new bin folder you should find minecraft.jar
- Right-click on it and choose open with WinRAR/7Zip
- Drag the files into minecraft.jar.
- Delete a folder called “META-INF”
- Congratulations, you’ve installed Too Many Items!