Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Minecraft 1.4.7 Too Many Items 1.4.7 INVedit free download full version

Too Many Items 1.4.7 Mod Features

  • Add items to your inventory (If on SMP, you don’t need to know the item ID #. This is very helpful)
  • Unlimited Stacks
  • Save and Load up to 7 Inventories (SP Only)
  • Put items you don’t need in the trash (SP Only)
  • Get previously unobtainable items such as leaves and bedrock in your inventory
Too Many Items Too Many Items 1.4.7 INVedit Minecraft 1.4.7

Too many Items 1.4.7 Mod Updates

  • Save states now save and load item enchantments. Minor improvements to the item list.
  • Small but important bugfix for multiplayer.
  • Updated for Minecraft release 1.4.7
Too many Items 1.4.7 Mod HotKeys
  • Type “O” to turn on/off
  • Shift+Click for unlimited
  • Vanilla server command: /give {0} {1} {2} {3}
  • Bukkit with the Essentials mod command: /item {1}:{3} {2}
  • Fast crafting: Right-click on the output square when crafting to craft the maximum possible amount
Too many Items 1.4.7 Mod INVedit Installations for Minecraft 1.4.7
  1. Go to Start Menu
  2. Click on run
  3. Type in “%appdata%” (without quotes)
  4. Find a folder named “/.minecraft/” go inside and find a /bin/ folder.
  5. Delete the /bin/ folder.
  6. Open up minecraft and log in. This will re-instate your /bin/ and is called “cleaning your folder.”
  7. Inside the new bin folder you should find minecraft.jar
  8. Right-click on it and choose open with WinRAR/7Zip
  9. Drag the files into minecraft.jar.
  10. Delete a folder called “META-INF”
  11. Congratulations, you’ve installed Too Many Items!
Download Too Many Items 1.4.7 Mod for Minecraft 1.4.7

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 1:03 PM