Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Minecraft 1.4.7 TecMod free download full version

The mod is still in ALPHA stage and is being developed.
Tank MPR 2000 TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7Tank T 5 TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7Tank XTO 500 TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7Tank XTO 700 TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7

TankT70 TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7

TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7 Main Features

The Mod implements some features into itself of the atomic infrastructure.+ This mod is based on Weapons of Mass destruction and the MOAB.
  • Uranium ore, can only be mined with a gold pickaxe (or it will explode)
  • The fluxinator, basically a uranium and obsidian converter
  • Reactor, in simple language, an improved furnace with an explosive notch, much faster than the normal one
  • Halleluja- the mega-bomb
  • Radiation, logical…
  • Anti radiation suit

  • Anti MoAB block, will not explode
  • Uranium arrows
  • Rockets
  • Linked Targeting Device 2000, needed for the rocket for navigation
  • Thrusters
  • Warheads
  • Fuel Tank
  • Fuel station, needed to fill up the tanks
  • AntiExplosionBlock, craft blocks that can withstand a nuclear explosion
  • Shell Canon, uses various items as projectiles
  • Many More! 

Pros and Cons 

The Mod is awesome, it has all of the items a real pyromaniac needs. This mod also has a great potential into becoming something BIG. However it is a pity that the developer currently focused only on nuclear weapons and protection from them.

How to Install TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7

  1. Download and install FORGE API
  2. Download the TecMod
  3. Unarchive and run the installer
  4. Enjoy!

Download TecMod for Minecraft 1.4.7 Now

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 1:07 PM