Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Guild Wars 2 iOS App Update – Looking For Group?

The developers of the highly popular looking for group iOS app for Guild Wars 2 have just announced the contents of the latest update. The app, which is developed by a group outside of the ArenaNet team, has been praised by thousands of players thanks to its unique LFG feature that removes the need to sit in Lions Arch spamming chat. The latest update for the looking for group app includes
Great way to find a group even across different home servers.
No need to stand in Lions Arch spamming chat for a group
Quick way to advertise you are looking for a group or find that last needed member.
It’s always great to see members of an MMO community banding together to provide a useful service, and what can be more useful than helping players band together to complete difficult raids and instances? Do you use the Guild Wars 2 LFG app? Leave some feedback below.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 12:50 PM