Sunday, December 30, 2012

World of Warcraft Moxzbot v2 UPDATE (BG bot)

Moxzbot v2.1!!! 32 bit Download: [Moxzbot v2.2] 64 bit Download: [Moxzbot v2.2 64bit] Explanation: simple timed input of 2 different macros while opening/closing pvp pane (H) to keep your BG choice active This program will run completely in the background and overnight (though you might want to check in once in a while) it sends key inputs directly to your Wow.exe process. There is no memory injecting or reading. If you want to actually play the BGs while the bot runs, you can simply move the Anti AFK macro from it's keybind and just let it queue for you without the worry of forgetting to re-queue or enter an AFK state if you have to step out for a few minutes. Here are the 2 macros you have to create these macros and keybind them accordingly Queue / Join (new macro works with 5.1, although requires you set your map to the smaller setting) Code: /script RepopMe() /click PVPFrameLeftButton /click StaticPopup1Button1 /script if WorldStateScoreFrame:IsShown() == 1 then LeaveBattlefield() end Anti AFK (this is just an example of your anti-afk macro, you can input whatever you like) Code: /cleartarget /focus player /stopmacro [target=focus,dead] /targetraid /follow /startattack /cast [harm] ~SPELL NAME~ /cast ~SPELL NAME~ /cast [nomounted] ~MOUNT NAME~ the program will loop through these 2 macros. the GUI is very simple, you've got 1 - Dropdown Menus (File, Settings) 2 - Start/Pause Button 3 - Process ID selection 1: Dropdown Menus (File -> Exit) Will exit the program completely (File -> Help) Will open this help File (Settings - > Keybinds) Will open an interface for customizing keybinds {explained Further in Keybinds Section} (Settings -> Timer) Will open an interface for controlling the random time MIN/MAX 2: Start/Pause Button will simply start, and pause the bot, the bot will cycle through it's last round and then stop sending keys until you decide to continue 3: Process ID selection you will have a dropdown selection box that will allow you to choose which ID to send the keys to generally if you're just running 1 bot, you won't have to worry about this. BUT if you want to run multiple bots on multiple WoW processes, you now have the option to do so. Just select a different process ID for each bot/WoW program, and it will send keys directly to that process To run you just: double click the Moxzbot.exe it sends input directly to World of Warcraft, so it won't do anything unless WoW is open. In WoW you should open the PVP pane (H) select the BG you would like to bot in (won't work for WG/TB). and it will run that BG until you change it or stop the program. Also make sure you set your map to the smaller setting, the macro opens up your map when you're at a GY, and it can make you afk if you're using the full screen map. Autoit Source: (It's probably pretty sloppy) Code: #include #include #include #include #include Global $fileExit, $jqkey, $aaKey, $jqmodcombo, $aamodcombo, $mNONE, $mSHIFT, $mCTRL, $mALT, $jqmodPick, $aamodPick, $sGUI, $jqInput, $aaInput Global $random1, $random2, $randomtime, $botData, $ppkey, $ppmodpick, $ppmodcombo, $ppInput, $looping, $tGUI, $r1Input, $r2Input, $combodat Global $handledata, $combodatlabel, $wowHandle, $list, $PID, $hWnd, $modArray, $helptext If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot") Then DirCreate(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\") if not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\Help.txt") Then FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Zach\My Documents\autoit scripts\WoW bot\Help.txt", @AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\Help.txt") if Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini") Then FileInstall("C:\Documents and Settings\Zach\My Documents\autoit scripts\WoW bot\moxzbot.ini", @AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini") if not processexists("WoW.exe") Then msgbox(0, "Error", "Please open World of Warcraft") Exit Else $buttonLab = "Start" Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $mGUI = GUICreate("MoxzBot v2.0", 200, 200, -1, -1, $WS_BORDER) $fileMenu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("&File") $fileHelp = GuiCtrlCreateMenuItem("Help", $fileMenu) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($fileHelp, "HelpMenu") $fileExit = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $fileMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($fileExit, "Close") $sMenu = GuiCtrlCreateMenu("&Settings") $sKeybinds = GuiCtrlCreateMenuItem("Keybinds", $sMenu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($sKeybinds, "keybindsGUI") $sTimer = GuiCtrlCreateMenuItem("Timer", $sMenu) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($sTimer, "timerGUI") $startButton = GUICtrlCreateButton($buttonLab, 20, 20, 50, 30) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($startButton, "StartButton") $botLabel = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Click 'Start' to begin", 85, 30, 100, 30) $comboLabel = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("pick a WoW.exe Process ID", 30, 70) $comboLabel2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Your bot will send keys to this process", 10, 120) $combodat = GuiCtrlCreateCombo("", 45, 90, 100) populate() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) EndIf while 1 if($looping = 1) Then readIni() ;msgbox(1,$handledata,$wowHandle) $jqmodi = iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", $modArray[5][1], "") $aamodi = iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", $modArray[6][1], "") $ppmodi = iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", $modArray[7][1], "") $randomtime = Random($random1, $random2) $randomtime = $randomtime * 1000 sleep($randomtime / 5) sleep($randomtime / 5) sleep($randomtime / 5) ControlSend($hWnd, "", "", $ppmodi & "{" & $ppkey & "}") sleep(50) ControlSend($hWnd, "", "", $ppmodi & "{" & $ppkey & "}") sleep(50) ControlSend($hWnd, "", "", $aamodi & "{" & $aaKey & "}") sleep(50) ControlSend($hWnd, "", "", $jqmodi & "{" & $jqkey & "}") sleep($randomtime / 5) sleep($randomtime / 5) else sleep(50) EndIf WEnd func Close() Exit EndFunc ;==>Close func timerGUI() readIni() $tGUI = GUICreate("Timer", 200, 200, -1, -1, $WS_BORDER) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Random Delay is chosen", 30, 10) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Between :", 45, 40) $r1Input = GUICtrlCreateInput($random1, 95, 38, 50) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("And :", 45, 70) $r2Input = GuiCtrlCreateInput($random2, 95, 68, 50) GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Seconds", 70, 100) $timerSave = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save", 35, 130, 50) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($timerSave, "timerSave") $timerDefault = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Default", 105, 130, 50) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($timerDefault, "timeDefault") GUISetState() EndFunc ;==>timerGUI Func timerSave() $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($r1Input) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "timer", "random1", $iniwrite) $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($r2Input) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "timer", "random2", $iniwrite) GUIDelete($tGUI) EndFunc ;==>timerSave Func timeDefault() iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "timer", "random1", "5") iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "timer", "random2", "12") GUIDelete($tGUI) EndFunc ;==>timeDefault func keybindsGUI() readIni() Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $sGUI = GUICreate("Keybinds", 300, 180, -1, -1, $WS_BORDER) ;JOIN / QUEUE KEYBIND $join_queue = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Queue / Join : ", 10, 20) $jqInput = GuiCtrlCreateInput($jqkey, 85, 18, 40, 20) $jqmod = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Modifier:", 140, 20) $jqmodcombo = GuiCtrlCreateCombo($modArray[5][1], 190, 18, 60, 20) ;GUICtrlSetData(-1,$mNONE &"|"& $mSHIFT &"|"& $mCTRL &"|"& $mALT) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, $modArray[1][0] & "|" & $modArray[2][0] & "|" & $modArray[3][0] & "|" & $modArray[4][0]) ;ANTI AFK KEYBIND $antiAfk = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Anti-AFK : ", 10, 50) $aaInput = GuiCtrlCreateInput($aaKey, 85, 48, 40, 20) $aamod = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Modifier:", 140, 50) $aamodcombo = GuiCtrlCreateCombo($modArray[6][1], 190, 48, 60, 20) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, $modArray[1][0] & "|" & $modArray[2][0] & "|" & $modArray[3][0] & "|" & $modArray[4][0]) ;PVP PANE KEYBIND $pvpPaneL = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("PVP Pane : ", 10, 80) $ppInput = GuiCtrlCreateInput($ppkey, 85, 78, 40, 20) $ppmod = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Modifier:", 140, 80) $ppmodcombo = GuiCtrlCreateCombo($modArray[7][1], 190, 78, 60, 20) GuiCtrlSetData(-1, $modArray[1][0] & "|" & $modArray[2][0] & "|" & $modArray[3][0] & "|" & $modArray[4][0]) ;SaveButton $sSave = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Save", 20, 110, 40, 30) GUICtrlSetOnEvent($sSave, "Savekeybind") ;DefaultButton $defaultButton = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Default", 70, 110, 50, 30) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($defaultButton, "defaultKeybind") ;setstate GUISetState() EndFunc ;==>keybindsGUI Func Savekeybind() ;JOIN QUEUE KEYBIND SAVE $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($jqmodcombo) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", "jqmodPick", $iniwrite) $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($jqInput) $iniwrite = StringLower($iniwrite) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "queue", $iniwrite) ;ANTI AFK KEYBIND SAVE $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($aamodcombo) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", "aamodPick", $iniwrite) $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($aaInput) $iniwrite = StringLower($iniwrite) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "afk", $iniwrite) ;PVP PANE KEYBIND SAVE $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($ppmodcombo) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", "ppmodPick", $iniwrite) $iniwrite = GuiCtrlRead($ppInput) $iniwrite = StringLower($iniwrite) iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "pvp", $iniwrite) GUIDelete($sGUI) EndFunc ;==>Savekeybind func DefaultKeybind() iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", "jqmodPick", "NONE") iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "queue", "F9") iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", "aamodPick", "NONE") iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "afk", "F10") iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", "ppmodPick", "NONE") iniwrite(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "pvp", "h") GUIDelete($sGUI) EndFunc ;==>DefaultKeybind func readIni() ;KEYBIND MODIFIER READ $modArray = IniReadSection(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier") $jqmodPick = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", $modArray[5][1], "ERROR") $aamodPick = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", $modArray[6][1], "ERROR") $ppmodpick = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "modifier", $modArray[7][1], "ERROR") ;KEYBIND READ $aaKey = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "afk", "ERROR") $jqkey = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "queue", "ERROR") $ppkey = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "keybind", "pvp", "ERROR") ;TIMER READ $random1 = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "Timer", "random1", "ERROR") $random2 = Iniread(@AppDataDir & "\Moxzbot\moxzbot.ini", "Timer", "random2", "ERROR") EndFunc ;==>readIni func StartButton() $buttonLab = "Pause" $PID = GuiCtrlRead($combodat) _GetHwndFromPID($PID) GuiCtrlSetData($botLabel, "Bot Running") GuiCtrlSetData($startButton, $buttonLab) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($startButton, "PauseButton") $looping = 1 EndFunc ;==>StartButton func PauseButton() $buttonLab = "Start" GuiCtrlSetData($botLabel, "Bot Paused") GuiCtrlSetData($startButton, $buttonLab) GuiCtrlSetOnEvent($startButton, "StartButton") $looping = 0 EndFunc ;==>PauseButton func HelpMenu() Local $file = Run('Notepad.exe ' & @AppDataDir & '\Moxzbot\Help.txt') EndFunc ;==>HelpMenu ;THISCODEISNTMINE func populate() Local $list = ProcessList("WoW.exe") For $i = 1 To $list[0][0] GUICtrlSetData($combodat, $list[$i][1], $list[1][1]) Next EndFunc ;==>populate Func _GetHwndFromPID($PID) $hWnd = 0 $stPID = DllStructCreate("int") Do $winlist2 = WinList() For $i = 1 To $winlist2[0][0] If $winlist2[$i][0] <> "" Then DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetWindowThreadProcessId", "hwnd", $winlist2[$i][1], "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($stPID)) If DllStructGetData($stPID, 1) = $PID Then $hWnd = $winlist2[$i][1] ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next Sleep(100) Until $hWnd <> 0 Return $hWnd EndFunc ;==>_GetHwndFromPID -if you wish to distribute this or use it in any other way, i only ask that you don't claim it as your work, and refer to my original post. [Donate] Changelog: v2.2 fixed some directory stuff... v2.1 Fixed a glitch where you couldn't change/save any settings. Help file is now viewable. v2 completely re-scripted the whole program, added customization via keybinds/timers/multiple clients.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 6:50 AM