1) Launch warz and login in luncher, press "MY ACCOUNT"
2) Copy all after "=" (you session)
3) Close launcher, go in to your game folder and write session nuber in bat file, if u dont have bat create it.
4) Game_1: Lunch with out sandbox.
5) Game_1: Go in global inventory, take items you want to dup.
6) ALT+TAB Open task manager, go in processes, find process warz.exe
7) Click right mouse button, "Set Affinity", uncheck all boxes except last one.
8) Game_2: Lunch bat with sandboxe.
9) Game_2: Go in your global inventory, dont touch anything
10)Game_1: Connect to server, when loding get near 1/5 of full.
11)Game_2: Bigin moving your loot in to global.
12)Game_2: After you moved all your loot, close Game_2.
13)In task manager check all boxes back.
14)Game_1: Wait till load finish, after you logged in game, drop all you loot and pick it up, disconnect from server.
15)All u duped =)
And video but it is in russian.
Home » Unlabelled » Working dupe method 26.12.2012