Tuesday, December 25, 2012

IChooseYou WarZ Hook 1.7 26.12.2012

1. Don't post it on other sites, ever. Foreign or not. Makes me want to never update.
2. It will break if the game updates. Don't PM me to fix it. I don't need to read 20 PMs.
3. Has basic protection. I don't promise any degree of safety using this.


Numpad 2 = Hide Menu
Numpad 8 = Menu go up
Numpad 5 = Menu go down
Numpad 4 = Toggle
Numpad 6 = Toggle


To start:
1. Download .dll
2. Launch game
3. Join a server**
4. Turn off any gamebooster/overlays
5. Highly recommended to use WINDOWED MODE along with lowest graphic settings
6. Inject the .dll using any injector

Before switching a server:
3. Hit F5 to eject



Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 12:45 PM