1. Don't post it on other sites, ever. Foreign or not. Makes me want to never update.
2. It will break if the game updates. Don't PM me to fix it. I don't need to read 20 PMs.
3. Has basic protection. I don't promise any degree of safety using this.
Numpad 2 = Hide Menu
Numpad 8 = Menu go up
Numpad 5 = Menu go down
Numpad 4 = Toggle
Numpad 6 = Toggle
To start:
1. Download .dll
2. Launch game
3. Join a server**
4. Turn off any gamebooster/overlays
5. Highly recommended to use WINDOWED MODE along with lowest graphic settings
6. Inject the .dll using any injector
Before switching a server:
3. Hit F5 to eject