Say The Word – guess the pop icon photo quiz is a new app from a new developer Kiss Mash Games Limited. This is again a find the word game but the hints provided are way more interesting than some apps we have played in the recent past. Your answer is in the pictures, all you have to do is say the world loud and guess the answer. As always I will be updating this post with answers to all levels of Say The Word game.

Say the Word Level 21 answer
Image: Deer and Rake
Answer: Drake
Say the Word Level 22 answer
Images: Teeth, big boss smoking cigar and bush
Answer: George Bush
Say the Word Level 23 answer
Images: Man pointing at himself, jackpot, billiards ball and legs
Answer: Mila Kunis
Say the Word Level 24 answer
Images: Hoe, runner winning a race, well and sunset
Answer: Owen Wilson
Say the Word Level 25 answer
Images: Men wrestling and crow
Answer: Russell Crowe
Say the Word Level 26 answer
Images: Gates, tea bag and strawberries
Answer: Katy Perry
Say the Word Level 27 answer
Images: Girl smiling, moon and hay
Answer: Tina Fey
Say the Word Level 28 answer
Images: People singing, man winning a race and price tag showing price of 0
Answer: Oprah Winfrey
Say the Word Level 29 answer
Images: Man pointing at himself, gun and fox
Answer: Megan Fox
Say the Word Level 30 answer
Images: Waist, tee shirt and coin
Answer: Fifty Cent