Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Riddle on the Wall Answers Level 1-40 Cheats

This Solutions shows you one way to Answer the Riddle on the Wall Level 1-40 Answers, Please see This Answer you can use and it’s easy

Riddle on the Wall Level 1-40 Answers
Riddle on the Wall Level 1 : Forward I’m heavy but backwards I’m not. What am I?
Answer: Ton
Riddle on the Wall Level 2 :Holes in the bottom, the left and the right. Yet it still holds water with all its might. What is it?
Answer: Sponge
Riddle on the Wall Level 3 :Feed me and I live, give me drink and I die. What am I?
Answer: Fire
Riddle on the Wall Level 4 :Born in nature shaped by man. When needed I can light the way. On certain days I top the cake. What am I?
Answer: Candle
Riddle on the Wall Level 5 :What man walks over and man sleeps under. In times of war, he burns asunder. What is it?
Answer: Bridge
Riddle on the Wall Level 6 :With no honor among them, in the dark of the night. They take from others, what is not theirs. Who are they?
Answer: Thieves
Riddle on the Wall Level 7 : Double my number, I’m less than a score. Hal of my number is less than four. What am I?
Answer: Six
Riddle on the Wall Level 8 :This thing can turn without even moving. What is it?
Answer: Milk
Riddle on the Wall Level 9 :Metal or bone I may be, many teeth I have and always bared. Yet my bite harms no one and ladies delight in my touch. What am I?
Answer: Comb
Riddle on the Wall Level 10 :You can always see it, but it’s too far away to touch. Mountains rest on it, at sea it surrounds you. What is it?
Answer: Horizon
Riddle on the Wall Level 11 :It travels on waves on the ocean shore, and everywhere else you’ve been before. What is it?
Answer: Sound
Riddle on the Wall Level 12 :Short and hot, often expressive. But shown to other it is rarely impressive. What is it?
Answer: Temper
Riddle on the Wall Level 13 :I am tied at least once a day and forced to carry ten nails. I work hard without pay, and follow your many trails. What am I?
Answer: Shoes
Riddle on the Wall Level 14 :I have a hundred legs, but cannot stand. A long neck but no head. I ease the maid’s life. What am I?
Answer: Broom
Riddle on the Wall Level 15 :It can bat, but never hit. It is next to a ball that is never thrown. It is good luck when found. What is it?
Answer: Eyelash
Riddle on the Wall level 16 :The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesn’t know they are. What is it?
Answer: Coffin
Riddle on the Wall Level 17 :Until I am measured, I am not known, yet how you miss me when I have flown. What am I?
Answer: Time
Riddle on the Wall Level 18 :Created before but made today. This is used most when others are asleep. What is it?
Answer: bed
Riddle on the Wall Level 19 :They come out at night without being claled, and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?
Answer: Stars
Riddle on the Wall Level 20 :A response to a mistake that when offered is suspected. In desperation it is expressed, the truth is apparently rejected.
Answer: Excuse
Riddle on the Wall 21 :It is by nature, soft as silk. A puffy cloud, white as milk. Snow tops this tropical crop, the dirties part of the mop. What is it?
Answer: Cotton
Riddle on the Wall 22 :What has many keys but can’t open even a single door?
Answer: Piano
Riddle on the Wall 23 :I’m holes tied to more holes, and really not much more. I am only as strong as my weakest part. What am I?
Answer: Chain
Riddle on the Wall 24 :What is the one thing you will never see again?
Answer: Yesterday
Riddle on the Wall 25 :What do you throw away that keeps returning?
Answer: Boomerang
Riddle on the Wall 26 :They are put on a table and cut but never eaten. What are they?
Answer: Cards
Riddle on the Wall 27 :A peanut shaped body, two parts joined in one. The more it stands still, the faster it runs. What is it?
Answer: Hourglass
Riddle on the Wall 28 :Sometimes called a rock, often worth a great deal. A bauble or a precious stone, so tempting for some to steal. What is it?
Answer: Jewel
Riddle on the Wall 29 :It is black when you get it, red when you use it and white when you’re all through with it. What is it?
Answer: Charcoal
Riddle on the Wall 30 :With “T” it is the crime of country betrayed. San “T” it is the grounds for an argument made. What is it?
Answer: Treason
Riddle on the Wall level 31 :When boiled it is hard to beat. It must be striped in order to eat. What is it?
Answer: Egg
Riddle on the Wall level 32 :What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?
Answer: Pillow
Riddle on the Wall level 33 :What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
Answer: Palm Tree
Riddle on the Wall level 34 :What lives in the corner but travels the world?
Answer: Postage
Riddle on the Wall level 35 :Though he shaves each and every day, Bob has a beard that never goes away. What is he?
Answer: Barber
Riddle on the Wall level 36 : Deeper than the sea, more intriguing than space. Mine is different than yours. This is what a mind is for. What is it?
Answer: Thought
Riddle on the Wall level 37 :Explosive as the daylight, with the dust it teases. It whispers through the willows, and wreak havoc with the leaves. What is it?
Answer: Wind
Riddle on the Wall level 38 :Get me to a drink, look through me to see. As I drop get a broom, in order to clean and sweep. What am I?
Answer: Glass
Riddle on the Wall level 39 :What do many boats, shovels, laundries, whistles and hot showers have in common?
Answer: Steam
Riddle on the Wall level 40 :A man in white, he’s quite a sight. When he feels the sun, he starts to run. What am I?
Answer: Snowman

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 11:47 AM