Pop Guess Staten Island Answers All Levels 1-50 The Live Word Guessing Games, made by Candywriter, on iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iTouch), and see if you can figure out the most popular responses.
Pop Guess Staten Island 1: Who is the most popular member of the British Royal Family?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 1 Answer: WILLIAM, KATE, QUEEN
Pop Guess Staten Island 2: What is a fruit that is green in color?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 2 Answer: APPLE, KIWI, GRAPE
Pop Guess Staten Island 3: What’s the most popular flavor of lollipop?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 3 Answer: CHERRY, STRAWBERRY, GRAPE
Pop Guess Staten Island 4: What is something you use in the shower?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 4 Answer: SOAP, SHAMPOO, WATER
Pop Guess Staten Island 5: What country is the friendliest?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 5 Answer: USA, CANADA, ENGLAND
Pop Guess Staten Island 6: What is a color in the rainbow?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 6 Answer: RED, BLUE, YELLOW
Pop Guess Staten Island 7: What is a hot beverage enjoyed around the world?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 7 Answer: COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE
Pop Guess Staten Island 8: What’s the tastiest vegetable in nature’s bounty?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 8 Answer: CARROT, CORN, TOMATO
Pop Guess Staten Island 9: Who is the most photographed person of all time?
Pop Guess Staten Island 10: Which country makes the most delicious food?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 10 Answer: ITALY, USA, MEXICO
Pop Guess Staten Island 11: What is the most common way to order eggs?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 11 Answer: SCRAMBLED, FRIED, OVER EASY
Pop Guess Staten Island 12: What is the most popular female name for a baby right now?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 12 Answer: EMMA, EMILY, BELLA
Pop Guess Staten Island 13: Which US state is the largest?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 13 Answer: TEXAS, ALASKA, CALIFORNIA
Pop Guess Staten Island 14: What’s the most popular pizza topping?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 14 Answer: PEPPERONI, CHEESE, SAUSAGE
Pop Guess Staten Island 15: What is the deepest ocean in the world?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 15 Answer: PACIFIC, ATLANTIC, INDIAN
Pop Guess Staten Island 16: What is a popular herb that people cook with?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 16 Answer: BASIL, OREGANO, PARSLEY
Pop Guess Staten Island 17: Who is the greatest African American actor of all time?
Pop Guess Staten Island 18: What is a popular class at the gym?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 18 Answer: YOGA, ZUMBA, SPINNING
Pop Guess Staten Island 19: What is a popular word that starts with Y?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 19 Answer: YES, YELLOW, YOU
Pop Guess Staten Island 20: What was your favorite subject in high school?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 20 Answer: MATH, ENGLISH, SCIENCE
Pop Guess Staten Island 21: What country possesses the most oil?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 21 Answer: IRAQ, SAUDI ARABIA, USA
Pop Guess Staten Island 22: Who is a celebrity with red hair?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 22 Answer: ARIANA GRANDE, CARROT TOP, EMMA STONE
Pop Guess Staten Island 23: Which breed of dog is the best with children?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 23 Answer: GOLDEN RETRIEVER, LABRADOR, POODLE
Pop Guess Staten Island 24: Who is a singer from Canada?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 24 Answer: JUSTIN BIEBER, CELINE DION, SHANIA TWAIN
Pop Guess Staten Island 25: What is a sport that does not require a ball?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 25 Answer: SWIMMING, HOCKEY, TRACK
Pop Guess Staten Island 26: What is something cowboys wear?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 26 Answer: BOOTS, HAT, SPURS
Pop Guess Staten Island 27: What is the most popular genre of movie?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 27 Answer: COMEDY, ACTION, HORROR
Pop Guess Staten Island 28: What’s an appropriate gift for your mother on Mother’s Day?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 28 Answer: FLOWERS, JEWELRY, CARD
Pop Guess Staten Island 29: What is the best airline in the world?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 29 Answer: DELTA, SOUTHWEST, AMERICAN
Pop Guess Staten Island 30: What is the best comfort food?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 30 Answer: CHOCOLATE, ICE CREAM, PIZZA
Pop Guess Staten Island 31: What garment might you wear to keep warm on a cold night?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 31 Answer: SWEATER, COAT, JACKET
Pop Guess Staten Island 32: What is the most popular search engine?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 32 Answer: GOOGLE, BING, YAHOO
Pop Guess Staten Island 33: What is a popular movie from the nineties?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 33 Answer: TITANIC, CLUELESS, PRETTY WOMAN
Pop Guess Staten Island 34: What is something found in an attic?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 34 Answer: BOX, DUST, CLOTHES
Pop Guess Staten Island 35: Who is the most evil person in history?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 35 Answer: HITLER, DEVIL, JACK THE RIPPER
Pop Guess Staten Island 36: What occupation would be considered nerdy?
Pop Guess Staten Island 37: What’s the best movie theater snack?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 37 Answer: POPCORN, CANDY, NACHOS
Pop Guess Staten Island 38: What is the most cliche name for a dog?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 38 Answer: SPOT, FIDO, ROVER
Pop Guess Staten Island 39: Which city has the worst air pollution?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 39 Answer: NEW YORK, LOS ANGELES, CHICAGO
Pop Guess Staten Island 40: What is the most popular type of pie?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 40 Answer: APPLE, CHERRY, PUMPKIN
Pop Guess Staten Island 41: Who is the greatest writer in history?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 41 Answer: SHAKESPEARE, MARK TWAIN, EDGAR ALLEN POE
Pop Guess Staten Island 42: What is a classic style of dance?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 42 Answer: WALTZ, BALLET, TANGO
Pop Guess Staten Island 43: Who is a famous character from Alice in Wonderland other than Alice?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 43 Answer: MAD HATTER, CHESHIRE CAT, WHITE RABBIT
Pop Guess Staten Island 44: What food goes best with cheese?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 44 Answer: CRACKERS, PIZZA, MACARONI
Pop Guess Staten Island 45: What is an international fast food restaurant besides McDonalds?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 45 Answer: BURGER KING, WENDYS, TACO BELL
Pop Guess Staten Island 46: What is a Drew Barrymore movie?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 46 Answer: ET, FIFTY FIRST DATES, NEVER BEEN KISSED
Pop Guess Staten Island 47: Which US state has the most rednecks?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 47 Answer: TEXAS, ALABAMA, KENTUCKY
Pop Guess Staten Island 48: What type of food do you associate with France?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 48 Answer: FRIES, CROISSANTS, BREADS
Pop Guess Staten Island 49: What word would you use to describe Selena Gomez?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 49 Answer: PRETTY, YOUNG, CUTE
Pop Guess Staten Island 50: What is the name of a Canadian province?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 50 Answer: QUEBEC, ONTARIO, ALBERTA