Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pop Guess Staten Island Answers All Levels 1-50

Pop Guess Staten Island Answers All Levels 1-50 The Live Word Guessing Games, made by Candywriter, on iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iTouch), and see if you can figure out the most popular responses.

Pop Guess Answers for Staten Island 1-50 Levels:

Pop Guess Staten Island 1: Who is the most popular member of the British Royal Family?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 1 Answer: WILLIAM, KATE, QUEEN

Pop Guess Staten Island 2: What is a fruit that is green in color?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 2 Answer: APPLE, KIWI, GRAPE

Pop Guess Staten Island 3: What’s the most popular flavor of lollipop?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 3 Answer: CHERRY, STRAWBERRY, GRAPE

Pop Guess Staten Island 4: What is something you use in the shower?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 4 Answer: SOAP, SHAMPOO, WATER

Pop Guess Staten Island 5: What country is the friendliest?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 5 Answer: USA, CANADA, ENGLAND

Pop Guess Staten Island 6: What is a color in the rainbow?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 6 Answer: RED, BLUE, YELLOW

Pop Guess Staten Island 7: What is a hot beverage enjoyed around the world?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 7 Answer: COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE

Pop Guess Staten Island 8: What’s the tastiest vegetable in nature’s bounty?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 8 Answer: CARROT, CORN, TOMATO

Pop Guess Staten Island 9: Who is the most photographed person of all time?

Pop Guess Staten Island 10: Which country makes the most delicious food?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 10 Answer: ITALY, USA, MEXICO

Pop Guess Staten Island 11: What is the most common way to order eggs?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 11 Answer: SCRAMBLED, FRIED, OVER EASY

Pop Guess Staten Island 12: What is the most popular female name for a baby right now?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 12 Answer: EMMA, EMILY, BELLA

Pop Guess Staten Island 13: Which US state is the largest?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 13 Answer: TEXAS, ALASKA, CALIFORNIA

Pop Guess Staten Island 14: What’s the most popular pizza topping?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 14 Answer: PEPPERONI, CHEESE, SAUSAGE

Pop Guess Staten Island 15: What is the deepest ocean in the world?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 15 Answer: PACIFIC, ATLANTIC, INDIAN

Pop Guess Staten Island 16: What is a popular herb that people cook with?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 16 Answer: BASIL, OREGANO, PARSLEY

Pop Guess Staten Island 17: Who is the greatest African American actor of all time?

Pop Guess Staten Island 18: What is a popular class at the gym?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 18 Answer: YOGA, ZUMBA, SPINNING

Pop Guess Staten Island 19: What is a popular word that starts with Y?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 19 Answer: YES, YELLOW, YOU

Pop Guess Staten Island 20: What was your favorite subject in high school?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 20 Answer: MATH, ENGLISH, SCIENCE

Pop Guess Staten Island 21: What country possesses the most oil?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 21 Answer: IRAQ, SAUDI ARABIA, USA

Pop Guess Staten Island 22: Who is a celebrity with red hair?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 22 Answer: ARIANA GRANDE, CARROT TOP, EMMA STONE

Pop Guess Staten Island 23: Which breed of dog is the best with children?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 23 Answer: GOLDEN RETRIEVER, LABRADOR, POODLE

Pop Guess Staten Island 24: Who is a singer from Canada?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 24 Answer: JUSTIN BIEBER, CELINE DION, SHANIA TWAIN

Pop Guess Staten Island 25: What is a sport that does not require a ball?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 25 Answer: SWIMMING, HOCKEY, TRACK

Pop Guess Staten Island 26: What is something cowboys wear?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 26 Answer: BOOTS, HAT, SPURS

Pop Guess Staten Island 27: What is the most popular genre of movie?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 27 Answer: COMEDY, ACTION, HORROR

Pop Guess Staten Island 28: What’s an appropriate gift for your mother on Mother’s Day?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 28 Answer: FLOWERS, JEWELRY, CARD

Pop Guess Staten Island 29: What is the best airline in the world?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 29 Answer: DELTA, SOUTHWEST, AMERICAN

Pop Guess Staten Island 30: What is the best comfort food?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 30 Answer: CHOCOLATE, ICE CREAM, PIZZA

Pop Guess Staten Island 31: What garment might you wear to keep warm on a cold night?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 31 Answer: SWEATER, COAT, JACKET

Pop Guess Staten Island 32: What is the most popular search engine?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 32 Answer: GOOGLE, BING, YAHOO

Pop Guess Staten Island 33: What is a popular movie from the nineties?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 33 Answer: TITANIC, CLUELESS, PRETTY WOMAN

Pop Guess Staten Island 34: What is something found in an attic?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 34 Answer: BOX, DUST, CLOTHES

Pop Guess Staten Island 35: Who is the most evil person in history?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 35 Answer: HITLER, DEVIL, JACK THE RIPPER

Pop Guess Staten Island 36: What occupation would be considered nerdy?

Pop Guess Staten Island 37: What’s the best movie theater snack?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 37 Answer: POPCORN, CANDY, NACHOS

Pop Guess Staten Island 38: What is the most cliche name for a dog?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 38 Answer: SPOT, FIDO, ROVER

Pop Guess Staten Island 39: Which city has the worst air pollution?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 39 Answer: NEW YORK, LOS ANGELES, CHICAGO

Pop Guess Staten Island 40: What is the most popular type of pie?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 40 Answer: APPLE, CHERRY, PUMPKIN

Pop Guess Staten Island 41: Who is the greatest writer in history?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 41 Answer: SHAKESPEARE, MARK TWAIN, EDGAR ALLEN POE

Pop Guess Staten Island 42: What is a classic style of dance?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 42 Answer: WALTZ, BALLET, TANGO

Pop Guess Staten Island 43: Who is a famous character from Alice in Wonderland other than Alice?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 43 Answer: MAD HATTER, CHESHIRE CAT, WHITE RABBIT

Pop Guess Staten Island 44: What food goes best with cheese?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 44 Answer: CRACKERS, PIZZA, MACARONI

Pop Guess Staten Island 45: What is an international fast food restaurant besides McDonalds?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 45 Answer: BURGER KING, WENDYS, TACO BELL

Pop Guess Staten Island 46: What is a Drew Barrymore movie?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 46 Answer: ET, FIFTY FIRST DATES, NEVER BEEN KISSED

Pop Guess Staten Island 47: Which US state has the most rednecks?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 47 Answer: TEXAS, ALABAMA, KENTUCKY

Pop Guess Staten Island 48: What type of food do you associate with France?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 48 Answer: FRIES, CROISSANTS, BREADS

Pop Guess Staten Island 49: What word would you use to describe Selena Gomez?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 49 Answer: PRETTY, YOUNG, CUTE

Pop Guess Staten Island 50: What is the name of a Canadian province?
Pop Guess Staten Island Level 50 Answer: QUEBEC, ONTARIO, ALBERTA

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 5:24 AM