PicSizzle is Start with 1500 FREE COINS! Test how well you know popular modern day phrases, as you try to guess the saying based off of 2 images. Brought to you by the creative geniuses behind the popular app PICSANITY! This Solutions shows you one way to Answers and Cheats the PicSizzle Levels 1-60 Answers, Please see This Answers you can use and it’s easy..
Answer: Bucket List
PicSizzle Levels 2 hint :Three people in suits holding yellow folders, A woman pouring wine into a glass
Answer: When it rains it pours
PicSizzle Levels 3 hint :A red apple, A brown eye
Answer: Apple of my eye
PicSizzle Levels 4 hint :Three people in suits holding yellow folders, A dog and cat hanging over a white fence
Answer: Raining cats and dogs
PicSizzle Levels 5 hint :A red Ace of Hearts card, A brown hole made of dirt
Answer: Ace in the Hole
PicSizzle Levels 6 hint :A water drop, A purple hat
Answer: Drop of a Hat
PicSizzle Levels 7 hint :A person holding their foot, A white door in a white room
Answer: Foot in the Door
PicSizzle Levels 8 hint :A red 6 , 6 pictures with different types of body parts
Answer: Sixth Sense
PicSizzle Levels 9 hint :A drop of water into a pond, A brown bucket
Answer: Drop in the Bucket
PicSizzle Levels 10 hint :A silver X , A shining light on to a stage
Answer: X Marks the Spot
PicSizzle Levels 11 hint :A person with their arms up in the air facing clouds, A globe
Answer: On Top of the World
PicSizzle Levels 12 hint :A Dime, A dozen eggs
Answer: Dime a Dozen
PicSizzle Levels 13 hint :A person hitting a baseball with a bat, A road with green grass
Answer: Hit the Road
PicSizzle Levels 14 hint :A bunch of red and orange leafs, A person sleeping on their desk
Answer: Fall Asleep
PicSizzle Levels 15 hint :A cat looking up, A purple pursue
Answer: Cats Out of the Bag
PicSizzle Levels 16 hint :Two on and off light switches, A red rope on gold poles
Answer: On the Ropes
PicSizzle Levels 17 hint :A woman holding up two fingers and smiling , A wedding cake
Answer: Piece of Cake
PicSizzle Levels 18 hint :A person with their arms up in the air facing clouds, A dog with sunglasses on and a red umbrella over their head
Answer: Top Dog
PicSizzle Levels 19 hint :A furry dog , A thumb pointing down
Answer: Chow Down
PicSizzle Levels 20 hint :A person with their thumb pointed down, A pile of garbage
Answer: Down in the Dumps
PicSizzle Levels 21 hint :A green number 2, A woman touching her face with both hands
Answer: Two Faced
PicSizzle Levels 22 hint :The inside of a house , The outside of a house
Answer: Inside Out
PicSizzle Levels 23 hint :A number 1 edged in stone, An hour glass
Answer: Once Upon a Time
PicSizzle Levels 24 hint :A blue sky, A woman with a flower in her head
Answer: Blue in the Face
PicSizzle Levels 25 hint :A baker pulling around bread, A dozen brown eggs
Answer: Bakers Dozen
PicSizzle Levels 26 hint :A woman stretching in her bed, A calendar
Answer: Up to Date
PicSizzle Levels 27 hint :A bunch of people dancing , Rain falling on the ocean
Answer: Dancing in the Rain
PicSizzle Levels 28 hint :A dog catching a frisbee, A silver Z
Answer: Catching some Zs
PicSizzle Levels 29 hint :A person kicking a soccer ball, A silve bucket
Answer: Kick the Bucket
PicSizzle Levels 30 hint :A silver number 9, A football field
Answer: Whole Nine Yards
PicSizzle Levels 31 hint :The backseat of a car, A bunch of people in work uniforms
Answer: Inside Job
PicSizzle Levels 32 hint :An open book, A person in all black
Answer: As Thick As Thieves
PicSizzle Levels 33 hint :A black floppy disk , A person hitting a bell
Answer: Saved by the Bell
PicSizzle Levels 34 hint :A watermelon with bite marks in it , A gold bullet
Answer: Bite the Bullet
PicSizzle Levels 35 hint :A man carrying a woman on his back, Two cigars
Answer: Close but no Cigar
PicSizzle Levels 36 hint :A pipe with water coming out of it , A person with their thumb pointed down
Answer: Pipe Down
PicSizzle Levels 37 hint :Fire, A person pumping gas into the car
Answer: Add Fuel to the Fire
PicSizzle Levels 38 hint :A bunch of people jumping in the air , A black gun
Answer: Jumping the Gun
PicSizzle Levels 39 hint :A person with their hands in the air on top of a mountain , A man whispering something into a woman’s ear
Answer: Top Secret
PicSizzle Levels 40 hint :A bunch of red lines and a red heart, A green bush
Answer: Beat Around the BushPicSizzle Levels 41 hint :A picnic table with money on it , An iceberg
Answer: Tip of the Iceberg
PicSizzle Levels 42 hint :A pile of potato chips, A brick wall
Answer: Chip Off the Old Block
PicSizzle Levels 43 hint :A hammer, A piggy bank with coins under it
Answer: Break the Bank
PicSizzle Levels 44 hint :A white background , A man with one hand raised and another with his fingers crossed behind his back
Answer: White Lie
PicSizzle Levels 45 hint :A person walking with sneakers, A park with a view of the city
Answer: Walk in the Park
PicSizzle Levels 46 hint :A cat sitting down, A woman sticking out her tongue
Answer: Cat got your Tongue
PicSizzle Levels 47 hint :One potato chip, An x-ray of a person’s shoulder
Answer: Chip on your Shoulder
PicSizzle Levels 48 hint :A closed brown box, A person getting a foot massage
Answer: Square Foot
PicSizzle Levels 49 hint :A person’s foot being tickled by a white feather, A pink flower
Answer: Tickled Pink
PicSizzle Levels 50 hint :Two pigs drinking out of a fountain, An airplane in the clouds
Answer: When Pigs Fly
PicSizzle Levels 51 hint :A needle and pink thread, A pile of hey
Answer: Needle in a Haystack
PicSizzle Levels 52 hint :A leaky faucet, A fly
Answer: Dropping Like Flies
PicSizzle Levels 53 hint :A person holding up a black number 1, A moon on the water
Answer: Once in a Blue Moon
PicSizzle Levels 54 hint :A baseball umpire, A person with one leg and one prostatic leg
Answer: Out on a Limb
PicSizzle Levels 55 hint :A bunch of people walking down the hall, A Santa Clause blowing snow
Answer: Low Blow
PicSizzle Levels 56 hint :A cracked phone, Three ice cubes
Answer: Break the Ice
PicSizzle Levels 57 hint :A ruler , A person’s thumb pointed up
Answer: Rule of Thumb
PicSizzle Levels 58 hint :A clock , A man in a suit pointing his thumb up
Answer: Time is Up
PicSizzle Levels 59 hint :A person using a credit card on their computer, A person playing the bagpipes
Answer: Pay the Piper
PicSizzle Levels 60 hint :A red puzzle piece, A red straw
Answer: Last Straw