Looking for answers and help for level 51-60 of the game Riddle Me That by Gummy Crush? We completed these 10 levels of this great riddle game and below you’ll find all the answers that you will need to get through these levels.
Riddle Me That Level 51: My voice is tender, my waist is slender and I’m often invited to play. Yet wherever I go I must take my bow or else I may have nothing to say. What am I? = Violin
Riddle Me That Level 52: What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten? = Cards
Riddle Me That Level 53: What do you use to hoe a row, slay a foe, and wring with woe? = Hands
Riddle Me That Level 54: Some try to hide, some try to cheat, but time will show, we always will meet. Try as you might, to guess my name, I promise you’ll know, when you I do claim. = Death
Riddle Me That Level 55: First you see me in the grass dressed in yellow gay; next I am in dainty white, then I fly away. What am I? = Dandelion
Riddle Me That Level 56: Hands she have but does not hold, teeth she has but does not bite, feet she has but they are cold, eyes she has but without sight. Who is she? = Doll
Riddle Me That Level 57: What lies in bed, and stands in bed, first white then red. The plumper it gets, the better the old woman likes it? = Strawberry
Riddle Me That Level 58: Inside a burning house, this thing is best to make. And best to make it quickly, before the fire’s too much to take! = Haste
Riddle Me That Level 59: What can bring back the dead; make us cry, make us laugh, make us young = Memories
Riddle Me That Level 60: An openended barrel, I am shaped like a hive. I am filled with the flesh, and the flesh is alive! What am I? = Thimble