Thursday, July 18, 2013

Pocket Rice Trivia Answers Walkthrough

Pocket Rice Trivia Answers ? Well if you are indeed looking for the answers for the game, we suggest you to think twice about your decision. Because today we are going to share the pros and cons of using the game answers when you are playing the game. But before we are jumping directly to the main topic, we guess it’s best if we can introduce the game first, since not all of you are familiar with the game yet. Pocket Rice Trivia is a game that is developed by James A. Downing. In total, this game has 750 questions that are waiting for you to answer. But Pocket Rice Trivia is really not a typical mobile games that you normally find out there. It is because this trivia game allow you to help change the world. How so ? It is possible because for each question that you can get right in the game, Pocket Rice Trivia will donate about 10 real grains of rice for those who need the help.

Now, let’s move to the main section of our article for today, the pros and cons of using answers when playing Pocket Rice Trivia. Let’s take a look from the positive point of view first. The main advantage of using Pocket Rice Trivia Answers for helping you in the game is you will need lesser time and effort to complete the game, and of course you will be able to donate more rice to hungry people out there, in Pocket Rice Trivia case.
But what about the negative side of using Pocket Rice Trivia Answers ? Well the main disadvantage is you will lose the fun when playing the game, since you are practically cheating during the game. You will lose the surprise and the fun in Pocket Rice Trivia. And not to mention, if you try to provide the answer by yourself it can bring more benefit to you. For example you can google to find more information for the answer, and it will advantageous for increasing your knowledge. But for this time, we think that sometimes it’s good to cheat in the game, because you can help donate rice for those who need it.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:07 PM