Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Magic 2014 Cheats And Tips iPad | Android

Regular readers of Modojo will know that we have a spot for the Magic series that's so soft you could butter toast with it. This year's edition hit the App Store earlier this month, and we gave the game a score of 4.5 out of 5 in yesterday's review. It's an essential purchase for any strategy card game fan, but if you're new to the series we've got some very useful hints and tips to help you ease yourself into the game.

- If you're very new to the game, and consistently getting whipped by a particular opponent, then we recommend making use of the hint system built into the game. If you're playing on either the 'Mage' or 'Archmage' setting, you'll see an arrow appear above the best card to play after ten seconds of inactivity. Hit the question mark icon in the bottom left of the screen to see it earlier, or disable the auto-hint in the options if you just need more time to think.
- Except for specially marked instant cards, you can't start an attack with a creature card you've played until your next turn. This delay in use is known as 'summoning sickness'. Always keep this in mind when building up your overall defensive and offensive strategies.
- Be very careful when using your creature cards to block an opponent's attack. If your opponent's creature attacks with a value that's higher than your card's defensive pool, it'll be removed from play. Sometimes it's better to take a small amount of damage than sacrifice your most powerful attacking cards.
- How many mana cards do you need to be able to put a creature card on the playing field? Check the top right-hand corner of the cards in your deck after double-tapping them. The number you see explains how much mana you need in total, while the symbols afterwards explain how many of each mana type you need.
- It's worth spending some time in the deck management section of the game if you want to truly master a particular deck. Each deck in the game has been very well balanced, but it's important to understand the synergies between your different cards, and how the deck works as a whole.
- Certain special cards stay in battle permanently, while others are removed from play after a single use. Instant and sorcery spells are sent to the graveyard after use, while enchantments and artifacts remain in play. Note that your opponent may well have a card that can banish even these latter cards to the graveyard, so be ready to adapt your strategy if you lose them suddenly.
- Need to lay an instant cast effect on your opponent's devastating assault? If you have an instant card with a blueish glow around it, you may be able to mitigate your opponent's attack - hit the timer icon to bring your instant card into play before the combat turn begins.
- The trample mechanic allows your creature card to still do damage to your opponent, even if your enemy has blocked the attack with one of their own creatures. If your creature does enough damage to destroy its opposite number, any leftover damage will be applied to your opponent.
- Attacks from flying creatures can't be blocked unless your own creature cards have either the Flying or Reach attributes. Be very careful when playing against opponents who specialize in using flying creatures that deliver little damage on their own, but will gradually whittle your health right down to the bone.
Download Magic 2014 - iPad | Android

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