Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers Level 1-3 Cheats

We are back with the answers for Hi Guess The Riddle, this time for level 3 in the game and we’re ready to solve some really interesting and tricky riddles in this word game. If you don’t have what it takes and you get stuck while playing, checking out our Hi Guess the Riddle level 3 answers will surely help!

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 1 – 1

Riddle: Mary’s mom has four children. Their names are North, South, East. What’s the fourth child’s name?
Answer: Mary

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 1 – 2

Riddle: I am in the sky. I am white, I’m round, but not always. Sometimes you see me, sometimes you don’t. What am I?
Answer: Moon

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 1 – 3

Riddle: What is the middle of nowhere?
Answer: H

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 4

Riddle: A father’s child, a mother’s child, yet no one’s son. Who am I?
Answer: Daughter

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 5

Riddle: Its fleece is warm and wooly white. And when you lie awake at night, count it and you’ll fall asleep. What is it?
Answer: Sheep

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 6

Riddle: I am seen in the water and in the sky. I am in the rainbow and in a jay’s feather. What am I?
Answer: Blue

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 7

Riddle: What does every man have, some longer or shorter than others and they give it to their wife when they get married?
Answer: Last Name

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 8

Riddle: I fall from the sky, but am not rain. I like the cold and not the sun. People like to eat me. What am I?
Answer: Snow

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 9

Riddle: Tomorrow’s yesterday. Yesterday’s tomorrow. What is it?
Answer: Today

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 10

Riddle: I can sing, but I can’t talk. I can climb a high tree, but I can’t run. I have very soft hair and very hard mouth.
Answer: Bird

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 11

Riddle: Women don’t have and don’t want it. Men get it but sometimes try to get rid of it. What is it?
Answer: Beard

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 12

Riddle: What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?
Answer: M

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 2 – 13

Riddle: I am green but not a tree. You can see me and sit on me and I grow around the world. What am I?
Answer: Grass.

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 14

Riddle: What has two hands but no arms?
Answer: Clock

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 15

Riddle: What has only two words, but thousands of letters?
Answer: Post Office

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 16

Riddle: I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much more than a minute. What am I?
Answer: Breath

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 17

Riddle: What kind of pet always stays on the floor?
Answer: Carpet

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 18

Riddle: What goes up but never comes down?
Answer: Age

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 19

Riddle: Who can shave 25 times a day and still have a beard
Answer: Barber

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 20

Riddle: What holds two people together but touches only one?
Answer: Wedding Ring

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 21

Riddle: Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
Answer: Incorrectly

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 22

Riddle: What is in Seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days?
Answer: N

Hi Guess the Riddle Answers: Level 3 – 23

Riddle: What goes up when rain comes down?
Answer: Umbrella

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 10:53 AM