Who’s the Bobble Answers Level #1 – #16. Who’s the Bobble? by Bobbleshop works with iPhone and iPad. The makers of “Bobbleshop – the Bobble Head Avatar Maker” present “Who’s the Bobble?” puzzle game!
Reveal parts of the bobble. Earn coins for hints, clues and even download the bobble into the Bobbleshop App (requires the Bobbleshop App).
Can you beat all the levels of Who’s the Bobble?! If you need help with a level you are stuck on, we have the answers below waiting for you.
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 1: Abe Lincoln (Historical Person)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 2: Ellen Degeneres (Tv Personality)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 3: James Bond (Movie Character)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 4: Psy (Music Celebrity)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 5: Albert Einstein (Historical Person)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 6: Mr. T (Tv Personality)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 7: Harry Potter (Fictional Character)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 8: Mister Spock (Fictional Character)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 9: Woody Allen (Movie Celebrity)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 10: Mark Twain (Historical Person)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 11: Elvis Presley (Movie Celebrity)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 12: Dr. King (Historical Person)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 13: Sheriff Woody (Fictional Character)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 14: Barack Obama (Political Person)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 15: Bilbo Baggins (Fictional Character)
Who’s the Bobble Answers Level 16: Hillary Clinton (Polical Person)