Saturday, June 15, 2013

Room Escape Gym Walkthrough

You’re so tired of this gym place and need to escape, therefore follow the room escape gym walkthrough to find all 7 keys for the door ! you only need to find 3 tools in this puzzle to find 2 keys and no need for tilt or shake your device
a series of room escape game by mobest media

here are the room escape gym solution :
solve the puzzle picture on wall, it’s a picture of silhouette running with the reflect on the water
after you complete it you will get your first key

get the pickaxe under red bike
click on the red bike and remember the number : 7871
go to the left
click the plant and get the wrench

tap the yellow barbell and change the 0000 into 7871 to get your second key
go to the left, click the leg holder and use the wrench to get 3rd key
look on dumbbells on floor and remember the height : 2-3-4-1
go to the right and press the wall
add the yellow color like the dumbells height and get your 4th key
go to this room and look on the leg holder, remember the color

go to right and press the wall to change color into :
white – brown
black – black
brown – white
get your 5th key
back to the room with chair and table and look on left wall
see the color on the bars ? yellow red blue green
press the wall to the right and change the color like the bars to get 6th key
use the pickaxe on the wall to get a blue screwdriver
back to the room with door and click the treadmill
use the screwdriver to unscrews and get the last key

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 4:15 PM