Pic combo is word game look alike 4 pics 1 word but the differences is you must combines two object name inside the picture into a new name, for example if there’s blind man picture and calendar then the answers might be blind date, simple right? for gamer which love word game i suggest you try this game because this is new game concept related with word.
help hints for pic combo level 13 solutions :
puzzle 485 – featherweight = quill pen and weight
puzzle 486 – featherlight = quill pen with note and man with bulb lights
puzzle 487 – floodgates = flood and gate
puzzle 488 – downstairs = down arrow and stairways
puzzle 489 – grapefruit = grape and bowl of fruits
puzzle 490 – featherbed = feather and bedroom
puzzle 491 – whitewash = paper and wiper
puzzle 492 – flowerpot = flower and pot steam
puzzle 493 – flashback = star light and woman’s back
puzzle 494 – raindrops = rain and water drops
puzzle 495 – waterfall = water and falling
puzzle 496 – fruitcake = fruits and cake
puzzle 497 – shakedown = handshake and chart arrow down
puzzle 498 – flagstone = italy flag and stone
puzzle 499 – snowfall = skiing and falling
puzzle 500 – backdrop = back pain and water drop
puzzle 501 – dropkick = water drop from faucet and woman kicking cigarette
puzzle 502 – download = rainbow and forklift
puzzle 503 – rockfall = rock and 2 woman
puzzle 504 – roommate = living room and king chess piece
puzzle 505 – bluebird = blue light and bird
puzzle 506 – downhill = down arrow and man on top of the hill
puzzle 507 – tailbone = cat back and bone
puzzle 508 – flagship = race flag and ship
puzzle 509 – coatrack = purple dress and lying down
puzzle 510 – snowdrop = snowflake and water drop
puzzle 511 – washroom = washing face and room
puzzle 512 – downpour = stars down arrow and pouring coke
puzzle 513 – windfall = windy and falling
puzzle 514 – facebook = smiling and man lifting weight on gym
puzzle 515 – cooldown = ice cube and slide down arrow
puzzle 516 – tailgate = peacock gate
puzzle 517 – sunbathe = sun and girl on bathub
puzzle 518 – drawback = castle drawing and backache
puzzle 519 – downplay = down arrow and play button
puzzle 520 – dropout = water drop and exit sign
puzzle 521 – foghorn = fog and rhino
puzzle 522 – redwood = painting red and pile of woods
puzzle 523 – bootleg = boot and girl’s leg
puzzle 524 – seabed = beach with seat and bedroom