Thursday, June 6, 2013

Frontierville Bull Games Missions

Get your pioneer trail Bull Running Course ready so you can start the frontierville bull games missions where you will running with bulls ! rumor has it, the folks overseas challenge their bulls to a race ! i bet with some training we could challenge our own bulls !

get ready for a daring race to rise your adrenalin, get yourself trained up and enjoy running with your friends !
wrapper quest : Run Like Crazy Mission
Tend 50 Adult Oxen
Pop 99 Red Bulloons
Turn in International Bull Almanac
Reward: 3 Year Mystery Trunk, 2 Cattle Power, 3 Crop Crystals
Jack’s been telling us tales about the folks overseas and their bulls. He says folks run like crazy while bulls chase them. Supposedly it really gets your adrenaline pumping. Times can get kinda dull on the frontier so let’s build a bull running course right here on the homestead !
missions walkthrough :
goal 1: Rumor Has It Mission
- Place the Bull Statue and click Running with Friends
- Tend 15 Adult Cows
- Place Bull Running Course
Reward: 2 Wither Protection, 1 Doc’s Growth Formula, 3 Hibiscus
goal 2: Start Small Mission
- Tend 50 Adult Chickens
- Harvest 20 Hibiscus
- Finish Phase 1 of the Bull Course
Reward: 3 Air Feed (need for Bulloons), 1 Coffee Tree, Doc’s Growth Formula
goal 3: Steppin’ Up Mission
- Tend 60 Adult Goats
- Pop 20 Red Bulloons (takes 1 Air Feed each)
- Finish Phase 2 of the Bull Course
Reward: Wilderness Juice, 2 Unwither Crops, 1 Horned Chicken

goal 4: Gearin’ Up Mission
- Harvest 80 Beets
- Tend Horned Chickens 6 times
- Finish Phase 3 of the Bull Course
Reward: Shearing for Shaved Tails, 5 Hibiscus, 1 Bull Runner Outfit
goal 5: Bull Slap Mission
- Harvest 50 Hibiscus
- Feed International Burly Bulls 20 times (partner bull, takes muscle mix)
- Finish the Bull Course
Reward: 1 Charging Bull, +4 Raised Bed Expansion, 5 Aged Salmon

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:36 PM