Escape If You Can Level 8 for iPhone, iPad, Android with Explanation and screenshot for this room and all the items.
- Check the toy car, there is a number 9.
- Check the toy bird on the right, there is number 6.
- Check the rack, there is number 8.
- Check the chess board and you can reveal another hints.
- Look at the top of the lift, we can see 7.
- Now combine both number with the hints from chess board we get 6789.
- Tap 6789 into the small box on the left and collect the key.
- Now check the drawer on the left and collect a dart.
- Use dart to shoot the ballon and collect a paper on the ground.
- Read the paper, check the small box in the other side of the room.
- Tap and change the answer and use the key to open it, collect a saw after open.
- Now check the globe, and collect a orange color ball.
- Now move to another side of the room, use saw to cut the wooden toy on the floor and collect a purple color ball.
- Now place both ball into the robot and collect a card.
- Use the card to open the lift.