Thursday, June 13, 2013

Collapse It 2 Walkthrough Levels 1-20

Collapse It 2 is another physics based puzzle game from notdoppler in which your objectives is to eliminate humans and save zombies. Yes, you read that right, save zombies. In this game, your goal is take out people using an array of explosives while you avoid hurting the undead bystanders. So however you dislike rotting zombies, you can't hurt them here or you lose the level.

Collapse It 2 walkthrough.

Not busting out zombies is difficult but what's even more difficult is solving hard levels in this game and of course getting three stars rating. That said, here is Collapse It 2 walkthrough which may or may not help you progress (or cheat) through your game.
Collapse It 2 Cheats.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 5:43 AM