Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Cheats And Tips Special Candy Combinations

Candy Crush Saga has the power to sap the spirits of even the most optimistic person, and sometimes you'll need to bust your way through a level using good fortune and explosive combos. It's not easy bringing two specially-created candies together into a match-up, but if you can pull these combos off you stand a good chance of beating even the toughest levels.

Here's a breakdown of all the special candy combinations you can create in the game.

First CandySecond CandyWhat happens
Coconut WheelCoconut WheelCreates a row or column of Mint Stripes, detonates them, then repeats.
Coconut WheelColor BombCreates a row or column of Mint Stripes and detonates them.
Coconut WheelMint StripeConverts a row or column of candies into Mint Stripes.
Coconut WheelWrapper BombCreates a row or column of Wrapper Bombs.
Color BombColor BombRemoves every candy from the board!
Color BombMint StripeAll candies of that color are converted to Mint Stripes, then detonated.
Color BombWrapper BombColor Bomb detonates, then detonates a random color again.
Jelly FishColor BombCreates three Color Bomb Jelly Fish and detonates them.
Jelly FishMint StripeCreates three Mint Stripe fish, then detonates them.
Jelly FishWrapper BombCreates three Wrapped Jelly Fish, then detonates Wrapper Bombs.
Mint StripeMint StripeBoth candies explode, with one switching direction if they're identical
Wrapper BombMint StripeThe explosion clears three rows and three columns.
Wrapper BombWrapper BombDetonates two dozen candies around each bomb.
Download Candy Crush Saga: iOS | Android]

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 6:13 AM