Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Floor Escape All Level's Walkthrough ---> Auto-exeM

I don’t know why they changed the 100 floors escape into “the”, and add some ads screen pop up which really annoying to play.. so if you missed the last 2 levels because we just found out today, so we will start from the latest stage on the solutions : the floor escape level 59-65 walkthrough !

help for the floor escape cheats :
the floor escape level 59 walkthrough
use the broom to swipe the floor until you can tilt the left and right wall
change the symbol on door :
top left : pointing down
top right : pointing up
bottom left : pointing left
bottom right : pointing right
the floor escape level 60 walkthrough
get the red cloth on floor and swipe the picture on left and right
it will reveal : 3 green and 2 red
shake your phone to drop the ball
tilt to left and right so the ball moves in these order : green red green red green

the floor escape level 61 walkthrough
change the color from left to right :
1. top : yellow – bottom : magenta
2. top : orange – bottom : blue
3. top : red – bottom : yellow
4. top : green – bottom : orange
5. top : magenta – bottom : light green
proceed to 100 floors escape level 62
here are the solutions for 100 floors escape level 62 & 63 to help you pass the door :
the floor escape level 62 walkthrough
use the + or – to get the numbers on triangle
example :
bottom left triangle 7 – 3 = 4
so change the number into 4
if you continue to count the rest you will have the value of the bottom right triangle :
1 5 4
the floor escape level 63 walkthrough
move the bottom left carpet to the right so you can see the red circle
press it and follow the line
a switch will appear on top right, press it
tilt your phone upside down
now press the lamp with yellow heart and follow the line
then continue to the left side so the door will open

the floor escape level 64 walkthrough
coming soon
the floor escape level 65 walkthrough
coming soon
proceed to 100 floors escape level 66

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 11:22 AM