The last solutions for 10 level to solve for mobest media room escape game : take action to escape level 21 – 30 walkthrough so you won’t get stuck long enough on these stage
most of the puzzle quite hard to solve, so make sure you really watch the detail how to pass the door on each floor easily !
take action to eascape cheats :
take action to escape stage 21 walkthrough
pick up the hammer and break the window
use the cloth on the window and press it
take action to escape stage 22 walkthrough
open the curtains
get the magnifying glass
then press the clock
put the magnifying glass on the wood log
take action to escape stage 23 walkthrough
change the number into :
grape = 4
apple = 3
banana = 1
pear = 2
take action to escape stage 24 walkthrough
press the evolution order :
1. purple cell
2. green gel
3. yellow fish
4. green lizard
5. monkey
6. caveman
7. man
8. alien
take action to escape stage 25 walkthrough
pick up the cash on box and give it to the girl
pick up the pizza on man with red coat and give it to fireman
pick up the drink and give it to the biker
then last press option and turn the “music off”
take action to escape stage 26 walkthrough
press the right light and get the hammer
press the left light and use the hammer to break the box and get key
press all lights and use key to open door
take action to escape stage 27 walkthrough
change the flag into :
top : Canada, US, UK, India, Japan
bottom : Brazil, Italy, South Africa, Australia
take action to escape stage 28 walkthrough
change the square shape into key pattern
take action to escape stage 29 walkthrough
press the drums with number :
1 = 1 time
2 = 3 times
4 = 1 time
5 = 2 times
6 = 2 times
7 = 2 times
8 = 3 times
take action to escape stage 30 walkthrough
how many time you need to press the square :
top : 9x 5x 8x 7x
middle : 4x 11x 0 10x
bottom : 6x 2x 1x 3x
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