Sunday, April 21, 2013

Nimble Quest cheats and tips ---> Auto-exeM

It would appear that NimbleBit has another iPhone and iPad success on its digital hands with Nimble Quest, a cute mobile effort that blends Snake with dungeon crawling. The concept involves building a small army of adventurers in the hope of killing monsters and hoarding loot, while at the same time avoiding walls and other hazards. It's free-to-play, smartly designed and addictive. It's also a big pain in the butt, which is why we have some Nimble Quest cheats and tips.Nimble Quest
-Always protect the leader. If he or she dies, it's game over. Conversely, destroying an enemy leader will kill all of the monsters within that group.
-Think of your next move(s) carefully. It's easy to pin your warriors against a wall and enemies, leaving them in grave danger.
-Slaughtering bad guys fills the progress bar at the top of the screen, which lets you know how close you are to beating the level.
-Gems, heroes and power-ups eventually disappear, so don't leave these things lying around.
-If you choose an archer as the team leader, keep in mind that he needs to face enemies to fire arrows.
-Instead of attacking enemies head-on, arrange the group so it runs parallel to your intended targets, allowing mages and pirates to attack without taking damage.
-Spider webs temporarily slow everyone down, but disappear after a few seconds.
-Once you clear a level, pick up as many gems as possible before time expires. Don't worry about hitting walls.
-Upgrading your team leaders will make them significantly more powerful.
-Keeping with upgrades, boost the effectiveness of different items in the Shop. It's always a great idea to increase the number of gems inside chests, potion healing and the Bomb blast radius, to name a few.
-Walls are the least of your worries. Avoid enemy projectiles and objects in your path, like gravestones.
-Both allies and enemies have individual health bars. Keep an eye on them all to know where you stand.
-Considering it costs a lot of gems to upgrade characters, it's a good idea to pick a couple favorites and focus on those heroes, instead of upgrading everyone and going broke in the process.
-Die? You can retry the stage for one token. Better than starting all the way from the beginning, right?
-Consider adding buffs before playing. These cost one token apiece and do a variety of things, from increasing the health of all party members to giving the main hero a bubble shield right from the beginning.
-You can add random heroes to your party for one token each before playing the game.
-Just because you freeze enemies doesn't mean you can run into them. That's a horrible way to die.
-You can earn free tokens by watching videos.
-Instead of buying gems and tokens individually, consider purchasing a combo.
-Gems and tokens acquired in Arena mode carry over.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 11:42 AM