Friday, April 26, 2013

Next Call of Duty title announcement dated ---> Auto-exeM

call_of_duty__soap_and_ghost_by_decanandersen-d4gvfw7 If displays sent out to retailers are to be believed, the next Call of Duty title will be announced sometime next week.
A photo of one of the displays sent out to Gamestop stores and procured by IGN reveals that promo material regarding the next CoD game will be sent out to its stores worldwide on April 29 and are being allowed to be displayed from May 1 onwards. This suggests that the next Call of Duty is likely to be announced on the same day.
The last CoD title – Black Ops 2 – was also announced on May 1 last year during the NBA playoffs so it won’t be a surprise if Activision follows the same schedule this year.
If reports are to be believed, the new CoD title will be called Call of Duty: Ghosts, being developed by Infinity Ward.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:22 PM