Thursday, April 25, 2013

Icomania Answers Famous People All Levels ---> Auto-exeM

More answers are available for Icomania since this is one of game that brings you handcrafted icon to guess with quite hard difficulty. With more categories are given, you will be likely to find the answers easier than before. There will be more clues about what kind of answer you may have for those icons. Following are some more about Icomania Answers Famous People to help you find the right answer for each icon that with certain people details. These are all those answers you need to finish the level in this game. Check how they will work with you.

Icomania Answers Famous People All Levels
Icomania Answers Famous People All Levels
  1. A man with a helmet (Armstrong Lance)
  2. A man smiling with neat hairstyle (George Clooney)
  3. A man with beard and very neat hairstyle in a suit (Dicaprio)
  4. A man with a neat haircut wearing boxing gloves (Muhammad Ali)
  5. A man with particular mustache and beard wearing a cloth on his head. He has also a long gray hair (Hulk Hogan)
  6. A woman with long hair wearing some accessories that looks like Egypt accent (Cleopatra)
  7. A man with a quit long brown hair with beard wearing a suit and black tie ribbon (Brad Pitt)
  8. A man that looks quite old with gray hair in front of a flag (Putin)
  9. A woman with brown hair smiling. She is wearing also a necklace (Madonna)
  10. A man with leaves crown and red cloak (Caesar)
  11. A man with stylish haircut and beard (Kevin Costner)
  12. A half-naked man with quite medium hair. It looks like he loses his tooth (Schwarzenegger)
  13. A woman with sunglasses wearing blue outfit. She is bring a purple bag (Paris Hilton)
  14. A man with glasses leans on something. He is tilting his head (Hawking)
  15. A very neat man with neat haircut. He doesn’t even have beard (Mel Gibson)
  16. A man smoking a cigar and wearing an army cap with red start on it (Fidel Castro)
  17. A man with long hair and red head band. He is smiling (Stallone)
  18. A man with a mustache and wearing a suit (Tom Hanks)
  19. An afro man with particular mustache and beard. He has also particular haircut (Snoop Dogg)
  20. A man with cropped hair and particular mustache and beard. He is wearing sunglasses (Kenye West)
  21. A man with medium hair who has his mustache and beard almost covered his face (Chuck Norris)
  22. A man with blue shirt and suit smoking a cigar (Bill Clinton)
  23. A man with particular hair style and particular sunglasses. He is wearing a tie ribbon also (PSY)
  24. A man with long hair and a particular cap with red star (Che Guevara)
  25. A man with glasses and window on his glasses  (Bill Gates)
  26. A particular outfit with blue shirt and white short (Charlie Sheen)
  27. Legs that looks tiptoeing (Micheal Jackson)
  28. An old man with white hair sticking out his tongue (Eintein)
  29. Brown hair of a person with particular hairstyle (Justin Bieber)
  30. A man with a Facebook symbol covered his head (Zuckerberg)
  31. A brown skinned man with cropped side hair (Obama)
  32. A man with particular thick hair and sunglasses (Elvis)
  33. An afro man with cropped hair wearing stylish sunglasses (Will Smith)
  34. A man with earphone and circle glasses (Steve Jobs)
  35. A man in astronaut outfit (Armstrong)
  36. A particular hat, mustache, and beard with circle glasses (Johnny Depp)
  37. A black hat, a mustache, and a stick (Charlie Chaplin)

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 10:58 AM