Saturday, April 20, 2013

Guess The Celeb Sports Level 1-32 Answer Cheat

Do you love sport celebrities ? then you must play and try to answer all the puzzle question from the celebrity silhouette in jinfra game ! if you don’t know the person name then take a look guess the celeb sports answers to complete !
finish and unlock more category stage to guess the celeb !
guess ? celeb sports logos cheat list :
1. usain bolt
2. hulk hogan
3. lebron james
4. maradona
5. mike tyson
6. dwayne johnson
7. roger federer
8. ronaldo
9. christiano ronaldo
10. tiger woods
11. shaquille o neal
12. kaka
13. pele
14. sachin tendulkar
15. michael phelps
16. serena williams
17. lewis hamilton
18. novak djokovic
19. albert pujols
20. david beckham
21. michael jordan
22. don king
23. muhammad ali
24. michael schumacher
25. zidane
26. messi
27. balotli
28. oscar pistorius
29. peyton manning
30. wayne rooney
31. andrew symonds
32. ronaldinho

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 6:16 PM