Sunday, April 21, 2013

Guess The Celeb Business Level 1-16 Answer Cheat

Unlock and answer all business and leader categories ! Each category have 16 celebrity silhouette puzzle to solve, can you recognize them all ? if you miss some of them we have guess the celeb business and leaders answers on this list below
if you follow the history and read some business magazines then i think you can pass most of them because they’re famous person !
guess ? business celeb logos solution list :
1. eric schmidt
2. steve jobs
3. mark zuckerberg
4. bill gates
5. warren buffet
6. john rockefeller
7. larry elison
8. mukesh ambani
9. larry page
10. tim cook
11. richard branson
12. henry ford
13. john lasseter
14. jonathan ive
15. steve ballmer
16. reid hoffman
guess ? leaders celeb logos cheat list :
1. mahatma gandhi
2. lincoln
3. obama
4. pope benedict
5. mao zedong
6. hitler
7. saddam hussein
8. washington
9. kofi annan
10. nelson mandela
11. nixon
12. thomas jefferson
13. mother teresa
14. che guevara
15. genghis khan
16. churchill

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 5:33 AM