Chief laughing bear of the wikiwah tribe wants to teach you about spirit totems in frontierville totem poles missions ! create some totems on your homestead and reap the benefits.
Spirit totem poles ! find what secrets lie within the totems and harness their power !
craft spirit crystal to power 3 types of totems ! each totem gives unique bonuses to your homestead
pioneer trail totems quest walkthrough guide :
goal 1: Spiritual Boost Mission
- Tend 15 Adult Sheep
- Harvest 20 Cranberries
- Place the Totem Workshop
Reward: 3 Spirit Feed, Animal Totem, Unlock Animal Power Stone
goal 2: Animal Instinct Mission
- Use the Animal Totem to boost up to 4 animals (place baby animals next to the animal totem)
- Heal 2 Lost Souls
- Finish Phase 1 of the Totem Workshop
Reward: 5 Indian Paintbrush, 1 Quick Draw Quaff, Unlock Crop Spirit Crystal
goal 3: Powerful Stones Mission
- Craft a Crop Spirit Crystal
- Harvest 20 Indian Paintbrush
- Finish Phase 2 of the Totem Workshop
Reward: Spiced Deer Jerky, 5 Bamboo crops, 5 Steel Forges
goal 4: Quick Crops Mission
- Build the Crop Spirit Totem (Place a Base Totem)
- Activate Crop Spirit Totem (place new crops near it when it is built)
- Finish Phase 3 of the Totem Workshop
Reward: Eagle’s Nest, Aged Salmon, 5 Indian Paintbrush
goal 5: Unlock the Forest Mission
- Collect 30 Ceremonial Pigment (harvest Indian Paintbrush)
- Tend Eagle’s Nest 8 times
- Finish the Totem Workshop
Reward: Animal Spirit Crystal, Crop Whisperer, Unlock Lumber Spirit Crystal
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