Friday, April 12, 2013

Facebook Home .apk available for download now!

Good news to those outside U.S., folks from XDA forum extracted Facebook Home .apk and shared it out, check out thread “[APP] Facebook Home APK (1.0 – Release)“. Download links as below,

Before install Facebook Home, make sure you installed and updated latest version of Facebook native app and Facebook Messenger. To install it, do enable system to install from Unknown Sources at Settings-> Secutiry -> under “Device administration”, tick on “Unknown Sources”.
The Facebook Home works perfectly on three devices we tested: Samsung Galaxy Note II, Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC One X+, no root needed, all those features such as Chatheads (whatsapp does not work with Chatheads), lock screen and apps short-cuts.
To access Facebook Home Settings, just press “menu” button while your are Facebook Screen. There are few extra settings such as: easier access to status bar, turn Facebook Home off, data usage level and more.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:27 PM