Sunday, April 21, 2013

Candy Crush Saga Cheats And Tips: Boosters

Candy Crush Saga has proved to be something of an unstoppable force, both on mobile phones and on Facebook, and its popularity shows no signs of waning. We've already brought you a general guide to the game which is packed full of useful tips, but if you want to find out a little bit more about those all-important boosters, we've got the complete lowdown for you.
Lollipop Booster
Available: Complete Level 6
Use: Smashes any square on the grid completely. Use it to either set up a delicious combo, or - most usefully - a particularly stubborn last square of jelly.
Three Free Moves
Available: Complete Level 7
Use: Self-explanatory! If you're very close to finishing a level but need just a handful of extra moves, this is the time to break out this particular booster.
Color Bomb
Available: Complete Level 12
Use: Combining the Color Bomb with any single color on the board will result in the destruction of all tiles containing the same color. If your objectives are scattered across the board, using this booster can bring a lot of useful moves into play. Choose your target color carefully though, so that you maximize the effect.
Coconut Wheel
Available: Complete Level 14
Use: The Coconut Wheel adds 15 seconds to the clock during levels that are time-based. Be careful using this - if you're a particularly long way away from meeting your objectives, you can easily waste this. Worth using if you're close to the finishing line and don't have any other upgrades in the bank.
Shuffle Candy
Available: Complete Level 30
Use: If you need a last-gasp booster to polish off an objective, the Shuffle Candy may be what you're looking for. Activating this will randomly mix up all of the tiles on the screen - hopefully opening up a new matching opportunity, but there are no guarantees.
Stripe & Wrap
Available: Complete Level 34
Use: As the name suggests, the Stripe & Wrap adds one striped, and one wrapped candy to the grid at the start of your next game.
Bomb Cooler
Available: Complete Level 98
Use: Close to completing a level but a bomb's about to blow? Consider using your Bomb Cooler, which adds a handy extra count of five to any bombs that are active on the playing grid.
Mystery Candy
Available: Complete Level 130
Use: This particular power-up adds a mystery candy to the board that has a question mark icon. Match these up and you'll be given a useful tool for the level.
Download Candy Crush Saga: iOS | Android

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:13 PM