Here is the walkthrough with full solution on how to solve the
first 10 Doors of 100 Doors Revenge.
The first 10 doors are very simple and should not provide a great deal of difficultly to resolve.
If you are stuck, this guide will help you to open the door so that you can advance to the next level.
Happy door opening!
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 1:
As simple as it can get
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 1:
Noting much here.
Press the lift button next to the door as indicated by the hand.
Door will open.
Tap the green arrow to continue.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 2:
Two hands
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 2:
To solve level 2,
Tap both lift buttons simultaneously.
Tap the green arrow and level 2 is done and dusted.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 3:
Slide to victory
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 3:
The penguin-hint will tell you to slide.
So slide (drag) with your finger from Start to Finish.
As always, tap the green arrow to complete level 3.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 4:
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 4:
You need to shoot the 3 color targets in the same sequence as the colors on the ground.
Tap the bow to change between the 3 targets, then press the fire button.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 5:
Call me 545-23-23
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 5:
To solve level 5,
Use the keypad next to the door and dial 5422323
Press the green button.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 6:
Upside down
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 6:
Turn your device upside down
so that the green ball can fall to the red button.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 7:
I like to shake it, shake it.
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 7:
The hint on the wall tells you to shake shake shake!
So shake your device a few times and the big flower pot will fall down.
The falling pot will reveal a key.
Pick up the key and unlock the door.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 8:
The Blue Hand
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 8:
To solve level 8, you need to tap and hold all 5 finger points
at the blue hand, simultaneously.
Hold it for a few seconds until all 3 lights above the door turned green.
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 9:
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 9:
To solve level 9, you need to drag each transport to the correct number.
According to the hint at the top, its all about the wheels.
The boat has no wheel, so drag the boat to number 0.
Drag the bus to number 6.
Drag the car to number 4.
Drag the bicycle to number 2.
Door 9 solved!
100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Door 10:
Fire Hydrant and wheelbarrow
100 Doors Revenge Solution Level 10:
Drag the wheelbarrow so that it crashes and break the fire hydrant.
Pick up the bucket and use it to get some water.
Use the water bucket to fill the tube with the key.
The key is made from wood so it will float.
Pick up the key and unlock the door.
Level 10 solved!