Thursday, March 14, 2013

Nemo's Reef - Guest Arrivals (How to keep guests? How to get rare fish?) Auto-exeM

Thx to all who contributed their infos in their posts and made this reference possible!

Since the new software update it is unclear whether our old schedule still works:

1.) Level 5
2.) Level 9
3.) Level 11
4.) Level 15
5.) Level 21
6.) Level 25
7.) Level 31
8.) Level 36
9.) Level 40

NEW: We have a reported new arrival during level 23!
Further new levels: 18, 38

To let your guest stay, you should always plant new items as follows:

RED SEAHORSE: 1 Bright Green Bonsai + 1 Green Marine Bonsai.

GREEN SEAHORSE: 1 Green Seaweed Cluster

WHITE SEAHORSE: at any corner inside or at the borders of the reef place 1 Silver Bubble Coral into the corner and place 2 Rocks as isolation on the other side.

BROWN SEADRAGON: 1 Green Straight Seaweed + 1 Orange Straight Seaweed

WHITE SEADRAGON: 2(?) White Seaflowers
I only had to plant one white seaflower to get my white sea dragon to stay at level 21. However (not sure if any of this matters) - I already had 4 planted AND I planted the one I did plant new next to a silver branches. One thing that I noticed was it took a while for the White Seadragon to swim over to the white seaflower I planted. In fact, I was getting ready to plant a second one like everyone has suggested when I noticed it swimming. So I waited a minute or so and it came to the white seaflower and then I got the notification that it was staying. So my suggestion is - when trying to get a guest to stay - plant one thing then wait a bit and see if it moves. You may not have to plant as much as you think. YELLOW SEADRAGON: Ruby Sea Flower + ???
The hint for the yellow seadragon is he enjoys the spotlight and helps draw attention to itself by being around similar brightly colored plants.
...the two nearest new plants to the ruby sea flower were a yellow marine shrub and a little farther away an orange heap o Seamoss...

YELLOW JELLYFISH: 3 Yellow Pillows

LIGHT BLUE JELLYFISH: 1 Rose Seabed and 1 Heap of Stones (if not sufficient add 1 Boulder, 1 Rock)

PINK JELLYFISH: 1 Pink Marine Shrub and 1 Pink Sea Blossom

YELLOW OCTOPUS: 1 Shell, 1 Rock, 1 Green Marine Shrub and 1 Flat Rock

RED OCTOPUS: 1 Red Cirripathes & 1 Lilac Cirripathes (next to each other)

GREEN OCTOPUS: 1 Green Sea Flower

ORANGE OCTOPUS: (1 Big Yellow-Green Seaweed, 2 Heaps of Stones, 2 (?) Orange Plateau Plants) (the correct amount and items that are really neccessary still needs to be confirmed!!)
Please help with the Orange Octopus. We need a confirmation of what works and what does not.
As soon as you get this octo please do the following:
1) Plant and GROW the Big Yellow-Green Seaweed
2) Place 1 Heap of Stones
3) Place another Heap of Stones
4) Plant and GROW 1 Orange Plateau Plant
5) Plant and grow another Orange Plateau Plant

As soon as you get the orange octopus to stay, please report on which state: 2), 3), 4) or 5)?

To get Rare Fish you need to plant Rare Seeds and grow the following Rare Plants or successfully complete one of the Saturday Challenges (see below):

Green Thalassia: Green Parrotfish
Pink Water Hyssop Flowers: Pink Emperor Angelfish
Amber Sea Nymph: Yellow Lionfish
Yellow Thalassia: Yellow Dusky Batfish
Orange Kelp on Rock: Orange Mandarinfish
Bright Green Thalassodendron: Green Trumpetfish
Orange Water Hyssop Flowers: Orange Dusky Batfish
Brown Himanthalia Elongata: Short Brown Seamoth
White Sea Nymph: White Clown Frogfish
Green Sea Grapes: Green Dusky Batfish
Pastel Orange Halimeda Plant: Orange Lionfish
Olive Himanthalia Elongata: Olive Mandarinfish
Violet Halimeda Plant: Violet Emperor Angelfish.
Maroon Sea Grapes: Red Trumpetfish
Blue Himanthalia Elongata: Blue Lionfish
Red Kelp on Rock: Red Parrotfish
Blue Thalassodendron: Blue Emperor Angelfish
Green Halimeda Plant: Green Emperor Angelfish
Orange Feather Star: Short Orange Seamoth
White Mermaid's Fan Plant: White Lionfish
Yellow Feather Star: Yellow Mandarinfish
Blue Sea Grapes: Blue Parrotfish
Purple Kelp on Rock: Pink Mandarinfish
Yellow Mermaid's Fan Plant: Yellow Clown Frogfish

Rare fish from Saturday Challenges:

Red Clown Frogfish - grow 10 rare plants in 24 hours
Yellow Trumpetfish - collect 4000 sand dollars in 48 hours
Short Red Seamoth - harvest 10000 algae in 48 hours
??? Frogfish - ???

Laboratory: Closed. It seems to be quite sure so far that the vitality score has no influence on guest arrivals. The kind of guest seems also to be totally random.

THANK YOU to all who have provided their infos!

Unfortunately we have the issue that the updates of the game could caused differences in the overall guest count according to the advancement of each player before the update occurs.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 7:22 AM