Thursday, March 21, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Farming Leveling Bot 2013 Download

Here is a working Guild Wars 2 Bot which can help you farm and level without actually playing. Download Guild Wars 2 Bot now and play your character on autopilot. Guild Wars 2 Bot will let you grind mobs for hours while looting items and killing them for experience in the process. The GW2 Bot works by following a pre-configured path and detecting enemies in the area and attack the approaching mob using defined skills until it is defeated.
Guild Wars 2 bot

Guild Wars 2 Bot 2013 Features:

  • Works for all races and profession in Guild Wars 2 (Engineer, Thief, Warrior, Elementalist, Ranger, Necromancer, Guardian, Mesmer)
  • Auto Login
  • Auto Farm
  • Auto Grind and Level
  • Can be left 24/7 running
  • Scriptable navigation
  • Set waypoints
  • Auto Heal
  • Undetectable

Guild Wars 2 Bot 2012 Recommendations:

Before running the GW2 Bot, keep in mind that your account character might get reported. Select a location on the map where there are less or no players roaming around. While this bot may put your Guild Wars 2 account at risk, it does offer increasing your level without the time consuming task of grinding by yourself. The bot will autopilot leveling and farming of your Guild Wars 2 character, and the best time to run is at night when you will be sleeping.

How to Use Guild Wars 2 Bot 2013

1. Login with your Guild Wars 2 account.
2. Open Guild Wars 2 Bot 2013
 3. Change default features based on your GW2 character. (Some pre-configured items need  to be changed depending on you current level like character skills, % of health to auto heal, etc.)
4. Start the Guild Wars 2 Bot.
5. See your character level, farm, and grind on autopilot.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 12:46 PM