Wednesday, February 13, 2013

HWID Ban Bypass 2013 download free

If you have received HWID ban every new account you create and try to login will be automatically banned.

This tool bypasses that annoyance.

How to use:

  1. Create new account
  2. Start BP.exe
  3. Change your MAC address to random number
  4. Copy full path of PS2 folder to PS2 Folder Edit box
  5. Press the button and wait until your connection is back up to start PS2
  6. Login with your fresh account

Program is not idiot proof so make sure you enter correct path to PS2 or nothing will happen.

If someone cannot follow simple instructions here's the video

Download link
BP_[]_.exe (1.66 MB)

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 9:32 AM