Welcome to our Crysis 3 Trainer cheats page. Here you’ll find Crysis 3 trainers which will give you unlimited Health, Energy, Super Speed, Super Jump, Tactical Synergy Mode, Tactical Stealth, Super Troop Damage, Unlimited Ammo/Items, No Reload,etc .This trainer for Crysis 3 includes a number of features, it is easy to use and works on both licenses and steam ,skidrow and 3dmgames of crysis 3 .Of the disadvantages,it can not be used in multiplayer, For single Player , Crysis 3 trainers will no problem.
Trainer Features
Numpad 1: Unlimited Health
Numpad 2: Unlimited Energy
Numpad 3: Super Speed
Numpad 4: Super Jump
Numpad 5: Tactical Synergy Mode
Numpad 6: Tactical Stealth
Numpad 7: Super Troop Damage
Numpad 8: Unlimited Ammo/Items
Numpad 9: No Reload
Numpad 0: Easy Upgrades
Numpad /: Ultimate Invisibilty
Numpad *: Unlimited Weapons
[ Key: Super Accuracy
] Key: No Recoil
\ Key: Super Zoom (2 Modes)
, Key: Save Position
. Key: Teleport
/ Key: Undo Teleport
Numpad .: Hover Mode
Numpad +: Float Up
Numpad -: Float Down
L Key: Clip Mode
Arrow Up: Clip North
Arrow Down: Clip South
Arrow Left: Clip West
Arrow Right: Clip East
Numpad 2: Unlimited Energy
Numpad 3: Super Speed
Numpad 4: Super Jump
Numpad 5: Tactical Synergy Mode
Numpad 6: Tactical Stealth
Numpad 7: Super Troop Damage
Numpad 8: Unlimited Ammo/Items
Numpad 9: No Reload
Numpad 0: Easy Upgrades
Numpad /: Ultimate Invisibilty
Numpad *: Unlimited Weapons
[ Key: Super Accuracy
] Key: No Recoil
\ Key: Super Zoom (2 Modes)
, Key: Save Position
. Key: Teleport
/ Key: Undo Teleport
Numpad .: Hover Mode
Numpad +: Float Up
Numpad -: Float Down
L Key: Clip Mode
Arrow Up: Clip North
Arrow Down: Clip South
Arrow Left: Clip West
Arrow Right: Clip East
Copy all the files in the root of the installed game.
Start the first trainer, then the game.
During the game, press the keys indicated in the trainer.
Possible false alarm antivirus software on your trainer before the game do not forget to turn off the AV to avoid conflict with him.
Filename : Updating
Filesize : 204 KB