XyCraft (Zy-Craft) is a mod revolved around tech expansion
- World Gen
- Xychorium ore
- Aluminum
- Kernels (Corn Seeds)
- Henequen Seeds
- Seeds are obtained by breaking tall grass, just like you would to get normal wheat seeds
- Block features
- Aesthetic and restricts mobs from spawning. No requirement for torches.
- Glow without emitting light
- Liquid Dyes
- All 16 types of dyes in Minecraft
- Created by putting two of one type of dye in a Forestry squeezer (Thermal expansion Magma Crucible recipe coming!)
- There will be a machine to create the dyes when the Machine package is released
- Can be piped around and stored in tank (either Iron Tanks from Railcraft or Tanks from Buildcraft), but cannot be placed in the world.
- Go to XyCraft wiki page
- Install Minecraft Forge.
- Download XyCraft Mod zip file from the link at the bottom of this post
- Put XyCraft Mod zip into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it.
- Done.