How to use :
~Extract UpToDateInfo.dat – The hfs file and replace them with the original ones.
~Start the game and enjoy.
Use this mod + other mods like Pie’s mods and etc… :
~Take the UpToDateIfo.dat of the others hfs
~Hfssign DCB08EBB9C30CA90156FF1C9EC0D8956337637F2.hfs with it.
~Put in vindictus folders.
Virus Scans :
Virus total
Credits :
@Fovea For the awesome Hfssign. Special thanks to him.
@mrsmokeof For the list of vindictus hfs files.
/* As always, I can’t confirm that you will not get banned !*/
And also, a BIG sorry for my english, it is not always the best
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