Sunday, January 6, 2013

Third Age Total War 3.2 Released

Credits for TATW 3.0
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
Developing Team Members:

King Kong
Architecture, Units, Environment, Map, Gameplay, Scripting, etc.

Devils Advocate

Louis Lux
High Elves Units


Special thanks

wilddog & makanyane
for the biggest breakthrough in the history of 'Total War' modding: The IWTE tool

for his frequent and reliable support until the last minute, the best battle AI ever!, the autonomy scripts and various other little tweaks


for his devotion to his geniuos palantir script

Baron Samedi
for the general support and his One Ring script

TestudoAubreii & kjobbit
for your great voices

for great ideas and the general help

Used Submods:

- Middle-earth Lore by Aikanár
- Weathertop Battle Map by leo.civil.uefs
- Hero abilities ressource by Noobas
- Spider units by alreadyded
- Rhun armor upgrade by Yarrum
- Some Ancillaries by Hero of the West
- Carrock and Weathertop strat map models by Jarlaxe
- Interface Parts by el cid
- Corsair script by TNZ
- Water 2.0 by davide cool
- Untainted Heroes by carampilo
- New quotes by Ngugi
- Hunt for Gollum (Music)
- Some Map textures by the Roma Surrectum team


Download Links

3.1/3.2 Patch changelog :
Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
Playable Fellowship Campaign New Settlements
- Cair Andros
- Esgaroth
- Erebor
Improved Settlements
- Minas Tirith (more place to deploy, better performance & textures, better AI attack/defense)
- Hornburg (better AI attack/defense)
- Moria (better camera movement)
- Weathertop (better performance)
New custom tiles
- In front of the Hornburg
- Pelennor Fields (In front of Minas Tirith)
- Gates of Argonath
- Germanicu5's Battle AI 5.6
- Small Unit stat changes (morale, prices, bodyguards, others)
- Population and financial changes
- Campaign map balance changes
- recruitment Changes (more logical replenish rates, some units can be
build earlier, less penalties for recruitment in non-favored regions)
- Osgiliath can be rebuild earlier
- Tharbad split in North and South
- Eriador owns the Shire from the start, loses the Weathertop
- Amon Hen and Durin's Tower work as watchtowers
- Sauron (and Balrog for the human player) finally have only one unit (thanks to moneybags14!)
- New Menu (main background by cedric37)
- New strat map models
- New quotes (by Ngugi)
- replaced english captains and generals with new models (based on units by Rusichi team)
- Erebor in Custom battles/Cair Andros replaces Isengard in Custom battles
- Possible crash reasons for isengard family fixed
- unplayable battle maps fixed
- fixed unreachable pirate spawn near Tharbad
- Mayor of Dale trigger fix
- Grey company ui fixed
- fixed rhun general's helmet
- Rammas Echor description fixed
- Exheir trait removed
- disabled tower construction on settlements without towers
- more little stuff...

The 3.2 Patch is not save-game compatible!

Fixes/Changes from Patch 3.1

- Dwarven Axethrowers crash
- Woodland Warriors missing axes
- Dunlending Clansmen wrong shield textures
- Spelling errors in several texts
- Balrog/Sauron crash when hit by flaming projectiles
- Messed up deployment of Black Gate (campaign)*
- Homeguard Cavalry missing secondary weapons (Thanks to the celt)
- Imladris Riders and Eldarinwë Lancers not recruitable
- High Elves General model errors
- Grey Company wrong unit card
- Added recruitment possibilities in villages
- Elendilmir description edited
- possible crash when Isengard was weakened fixed*
- Slave banner carrier missing texture
- Silvan Elves wrong bodyguards*
- Hobbit/Bandobras Archers missing textures
- ancillary error fixed

- returned to old water (due to occasional technical issues)
- spiders slightly weakened
- slightly more start income for AI & Player*
- slightly more tax income for AI & Player
- slightly reduced morale bonus for AI
- re-added some positive/negative squalor effects in the character traits

The 3.1 Patch is save-game compatible.
(The features marked with an '*' do only have an effect when starting a new campaign.)


Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
- TATW 3.2 is a stand-alone version and does not require any previous installation of TATW, such as TATW 1.x or 2.x. (However, you must have installed the base 3.0 before patching to 3.2.)
- If you have installed a previous version of TATW (2.1 or older), it is recommended to delete the old version before installing TATW 3.2.
(Note that TATW doesn't change any registry settings of your system, so you can also delete the old TATW folder "Third_Age" manually.)
- TATW 3.2 requires the 'Medieval 2 - Kingdoms Expansion' and is compatible with the official patch 1.04 and 1.05. (One installed campaign of the 'Kingdoms Expansion' is enough)

- Install
TATW_3.0_Part1of2.exe &

TATW_3.0_Part2of2.exe &

into the default "Medievall II Total War" directory.
(Normally this is: "Programs/SEGA/Medieval II Total War")
If you have installed Medieval II into another folder, please select the folder manually.
- Start the mod with the 'Third Age - Total War' shortcut on your desktop

Additional installation instructions only for Steam users:
Method 1:
Creating a World - Mod Install for Steam
Method 2:

Installation instructions for Windows 7 and Vista, XP Non-Steam users:
Disable UAC before installing TATW, run all TATW installers as Administrator.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 5:42 AM