Saturday, January 19, 2013

SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack HD Minecraft 1.4.7 New version free Download

Download Glimmar’s SteamPunk HD Texture Pack Minecraft 1.4.7. A popular texture pack has update again and compatible with latest minecraft 1.4.7, Glimmar’s SteamPunk 1.4.7 HD Texture Pack is a stylistic Steampunk texture pack very reminiscent of Victorian architecture, fantastical machines, levers, gears, switches and general overall awesomeness. The attention to detail and dedication to a true steampunk style is closely emulated in this high-quality pack. Want to install and download SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack just see my post below

SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack HD

It is HD, include 128×128, 64×64 and 32×32, but at 32 x 32, you won’t be weeping too many tears because things look utterly alien. Instead you’ll be polishing the aforementioned monocle and having erudite discussions with cows. Life has never been so sweet. Credit to Glimmar for this wonderful 32×32 SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack HD. Big thank and credit to Glimmar as developer this awesome texture pack.

SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack Changelogs v6.1

  • 16 new random CTM standard foliage textures.

  • 4 randomised CTM jungle foliage textures.

  • 7 new random CTM rose red bushes.

  • 7 new random CTM rose yellow bushes.

  • 11 new random CTM fern plants.

  • 5 new random CTM poisonous mushrooms.

  • includes changes since the last update

  • For pics, see the previous v5 Changelog, this update just includes a number of fixes and the addition of the 64x water, lava, portal and fire version of the pack.

  • Fixed the issue with ‘zombie8′ and ‘zombie9′ not displaying correctly in game. I had already fixed this before uploading version 3.7 on Sunday, but went and uploaded an earlier edited pack by mistake. Sorry ’bout that!

  • The 64x version should correctly display animated terrain blocks when using Optifine. All my animated blocks have been upscaled to 64x to match the upscaled resolution of the terrain.png file.

  • Both 32x and 64x versions of the pack have had the ‘fast’ version of the jungle tree leaf texture edited for greater depth, with a darker background to the leaves, not of concern to those of you who play with ‘fancy’ graphics on.

  • Both 32x and 64x versions have had the alternate ‘green’ world folder updated with some extra instructions and a no ‘lava’ drip particles.png file to remove the odd red drips from the green acid lava.

  • The ‘readme’ document has been edited to reflect the current pack and Minecraft version number. I forgot to change it previously.

STEAMPUNK 1 1 0 SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack HD Minecraft 1.4.7

Glimmar’s SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack Installations for Minecraft 1.4.7

  1. Download and patch MCPatcher HD fix

  2. Then download the Steampunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack

  3. Drag it into start>run>%appdata%>.minecraft>texturepack

  4. Play!

Download SteamPunk 1.4.7 Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.4.7

Glimmar’s SteamPunk HD 32×32

Glimmar’s SteamPunk HD 64×64

Glimmar’s SteamPunk HD 128×128

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 1:46 PM