Saturday, January 12, 2013

ReClass 2013 (R11 Mod) New free download 13.01.2013

I'm working on a modified version of ReClass 2011 (calling it ReClass 2013).
The application is inofficial and has nothing to do with DrUnKeN ChEeTaH so please don't spam him about this.

Now let me put up some information, this is what I have been doing.

- Added about button to main menu
- Add class with custom size
- Better menu when selecting "edit class" (shown in alfabetical order)
- Better menu when deleteing class (shown in alfabetical order)
- New data types: unicode, int64 (by patrick)
- New data types: ptr array
- Fixed support for multi inheritance
- Fixed bug where class instance overwrites below variables
- Fixed so "Cleanup" button now only closes classes that are removed
- Pointers can now point to "None" and will be placed as a LPVOID in class
- Fixed bug so you can load older reclass files
- VTable function snapshots now include addresses to the instructions
- Custom now supports char* (will show you text value)

Working on:
- New, edit and delete enums
- Add enum as a data type
- Find what accesses this address
- Find what writes to this address
- Reset to default colors

Upcoming/thinking about:
- Load class from C++ code
I may have missed something in that list, but I would like to know of more improvements or fixes that could be added/fixed in an upcoming release.


Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 8:47 AM