Saturday, January 5, 2013

New How to get a KSSN >.>

Korean game when it is still in Beta Testing phase? If the answer is "yes", you`d better learn some information about how to register in a Korean game. And the key point is how to get KSSN. Below is a guide: how to get KSSN through google. Hope it will give you some helps.

WARNING: Do not use these ID numbers for illegal purposes. Otherwise, all will be at your own risk!!!

I) First of all, open the Korean google page.
Áֹεî·Ï¹øÈ£ 780617 - Google °Ë»ö=

II) Fill in

PS: "xxxxxx" is the Birth Date code, for example the code of 06/17/1983 is "830617".

The Korean word just means "KSSN".
And it has been in the search table:

III) Find information you need in the searching results, some of the KSSN searched out are hidden some parts, but there are also some available KSSN. If failing to search an integrated KSSN, please change a birth date code to try

(BTW: some earlier birth date codes are good choices such as 08/30/1955) Searching Instance:
One of Searching Results:
means "Name"

is the name of the owner.
is the integrated KSSN!
PS: The Name of Korean people are usually 3 characters.

Some KSSN you searched out may be unusable. Because some of them have been used by other players. And you can?t apply an new account by using them. You must search for a usable KSSN for account application.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 6:44 AM