Username: DiddlyDark
Name: Sebastian Hale
Age: 20
Race: Labrynnan
Abilities/Special Training: Standard Labrynnan Engineer/Mech Pilot Training. No remarkable abilities.
Weapon(s): Labrynnan Mech, closed helmet. (Think Space Marine Terminator.)
Due to the modular nature of the armour, and Sebastian's tendency to tinker, more weapons or devices may be added onto it as time passes.
Personality: Brash, Headstrong, and hotblooded, Sebastian has a tendency to get himself into fights that are decidedly not in his favour. As he was taught based on Labrynnan ideas of social interaction, he has the politeness and social niceties of a gentleman,when he isn't busy fighting, anyway.
History: Born in the magnificent Lynna City, Sebastian was inducted into the Engineers Guild at a young age. Spending almost the entirety of his childhood and youth learning to operate machinery, he was seen as a prime candidate to test out the newly created mechanized armours.
The test had resulted in a fire that burnt down half a city block and destroyed the dairy industry, strangely, it was seen as a success. After some "improvements" were made on the initial design, they were implemented into the newly founded Labrynnan state military, albeit in limited numbers.
However, after receiving his papers as a journeyman of the guild, Sebastian was selected to serve as the personal bodyguard of her Ladyship Elizabeth Mala during a diplomatic mission to the Kingdom of Hyrule, in hopes of opening trade with the western power.
Travelling via the personal barge of her Ladyship, accompanied by her Tokay handmaidens and servants, they set out to this mysterious land in the west, wondering what awaited them in this "Kingdom of Hyrule."
Theme: Ambient, Battle.
Other: As a Labrynnan Engineer, Sebastian has a toolbox in his possession as well, mostly for maintaining his mech, but the tools may also become useful in other situations.
Username: ZeR0199X
Name: Marik
Age: 31
Race: Sheikah
Abilities/Special Training: Sheikah Assassin Training, Hiding in Plain Sight, Eyes of Truth, Master Lute Player[/B]
Weapon(s): Custom Made Longsword with curved handle, two Sheikah daggers, modified crossbow, throwing knives and needles, chain whip
Personality: Marik's personality has changed in ten years. He is now cold and shows no remorse in his kills. His original personality only comes out to those he trusts or when he is disguised
History: Following the end of the Twili Invasion and the discovery of his true heritage, Marik destoyed all connections to his past life and left to Kakariko to rediscover himself. For five years he retrained his body and his mine to become a perfect killer. Marik left Kakariko after his "rebirth" was complete and become a assassin for hire. He has become feared and known as "The Shadow of Death" Though he travels the world, he always returns to Kakariko, his self proclaimed new home
Theme: Combat, Ambient, Alaric
Other: Marik's work as "The Shadow of Death" has caused him to have bounties put on him in the Kingdom of Hyrule, Zora's Dominion, Labrynna Regime, Ordonna Province, Lanayru Province, Holodrum, and the lands of the Gerudo and Gorons. No one has seen his face but they have seen his attire so, Marik disguises himself as a traveling lute player by the name of Alaric when he enters towns.
Username: Zacen299
Name: Cairn Windrider
Age: 32
Race: Ordonian
Abilities/Special Training: An excellent pickpocket, fast sprinter and knife fighter.
Weapon(s): One small serrated combat blade and 5 throwing knives
Personality: Cheery but easy to anger willing to help others despite his lot in life, and even though he was forced to thieve for most of his childhood he has a strong moral compass and only wishes to keep his sister safe he is not personally against most of the races in Hyrule except the Stalfos, Gohma and Moblins although he is willing to overlook race if they prove themselves to him.
History: His parents were killed when he was young while traveling out in the country by bandits and after that he was kidnapped by the leader of the bandits along with his sister and they used her to force him to commit crimes for them as the years went by he began the hate the bandit leader more and more and about a week after he turned 19 he killed the bandit leader and escaped with his sister now they live together in castle town on the outskirts and Cairn is now trying to join the Hylian Knights along with his sister. After deserting the knights he has stayed with his friends and wife digging up treasure. He still to this day feels guilty for what happened to his sister.
Other: Married to Alia Windstorm
Name: Alia Windstorm
Age: 32
Race: Ordonian
Abilities: An excellent horse rider and an expert with a bow and sword combo.
Personality: Very determined but quiet around those she doesn't know, but once she becomes familiar she opens up to show a very bubbly and happy personality and is very loyal to all those she knows. More loyal to people than any sort of government.
History: Was an Ordonian Rider for years until she met up with her childhood friend Cairn and deserted the army with him and headed off with several others. About a year later she married him.
Other: Married to Cairn Windrider.
Name: Ashera
Age: 31
Race: Twili
Abilities/Special Training: As a Twili sorceress she knows how to wield the otherworldly flames of the Sol. Though instead of throwing it at enemies from a distance, she prefers to instead fight her enemies up close, with ignited hands that burn the very flesh from their bones with a touch.
Aside from that, thanks to training from her friends Nar and Twenara she is also decent with a staff and daggers. Being a Twili sorceress, she is also very pain resilient.
Weapons: She is carrying two daggers around with her, but these are more for show if anything. Usually she prefers the flames.
Personality: After being a leader of many for so long, Ashera has adopted a determined, non-nonsense approach to things. She prefers taking immediate action to long pondering and planning. However, due to her time in politics, she does know that sometimes long and polite talks are the best course of action, so she can be patient, even though it is always granting on her nerves.
When off duty, something she has yet to get used to, she rarely talks or starts conversation, being “as stiff as a prudish Hylian”, as her friend Nar often teases her.
History: Even after joining the Twili military, her life was pretty normal, for a Twili sorceress that has been exposed to Sol for most of her life to learn withstanding pain. During the Twili invasion ten years ago, like many other soldiers she became unhappy with king Zant’s incompetent leadership. Sick of seeing her fellow soldiers die due to stupid orders nobody dared question, she finally took things into her own hands. Before she really knew what happened she had befriended two Gerudo who would later join her people and was in command of a contingent of other dissatisfied Twili soldiers. After obeying royal orders to continue fighting the Hylians in more effective ways, she and her people fled when a Hylian victory was imminent.
After a long odyssey from Hyrule prime to the Gerudo desert and then through other parts of the world her band grew, taking in other Twili who had been stuck in Hyrule after the portals closed, as well as renegade Gerudo unhappy with their government. Three years later, with the help of Gerudo pirates, they finally found a place to subjugate and founded the New dawn republic.
For the last four years Ashera has, after being elected by the supreme council, ruled over the Republic. Now that her term has ended, she has decided to finally take some time off from constantly taking care of others and just be herself. That for she has chosen to go on a journey of self discovery.
However, her sense of responsibility to all her people has made her accept one more mission for them before her true journey starts. With the new tensions between Zora and Gorons, the republic is concerned sine it has trade agreements with both of them. With a small delegation, Ashera had been sent to the republics new embassy in Kakariko to negotiate with both parties on relatively neutral grounds. Though she really doesn’t want to be there, due to her prejudices against Hylians.
Theme: Ashera aflame
Username: MattWensley
Name: Lord Lieutenant Sarm Lowen
Age: 32
Race: Hylian w/ distant Ordona relation
Abilities/Special Training: Skillful maintenance of weapons and armour in the field, above average riding ability, Good leadership
Weapon(s): Bespoke Shortened Military Scythe for stabbing or slashing from horseback. Hylian lance. Horse.
Personality: Sarm has learned to take events and changes in his stride, and not let them affect his judgement. He is still prone to emotion outburts when pushed, and has recently began to question General Hemoth's treatment of foreigners, however his loyalty and love for Princess Zelda is unshakable.
History: Sarm rose to fame during the Twili Occupation of Hyrule Castle Town. Having been in Ordona when the Twili attacked, he was spared death. After receiving orders from his old captain, he entered the surrounding lands with a small band of riders, and infiltrated to city. As one of the few remaining experienced knights, he was given a command and a promotion, which was furthered by the corruption and death of the captain. However, before he had the opportunity to lead his squad into battle, an assassin wounded him, causing him to become incapacitated for nearly the rest of the war.
After the reconstruction of Hyrule Castle Town, Lord Lieutenant Sarm Lowen continued to serve Hyrule and Ordona jointly. His Ordona riders became his permanent retinue. His skill in weapons and tactics grew, and he lost a large part of his naïveté over time.
Sarm organised patrols for the borders of the two nations, and occasionally was called in for specialist missions, usually ones that involved working with another race. He was particularly intent on hunting pirates and bandits, and destroyed them without mercy. He listened for word from those he served with during his time in the resistance, but rarely heard from or of them, and almost never saw them.
With tensions rising between the Zora and Goron races, he and his knights have been ordered to the nearby town of Kakariko on a joint mission - a peacekeeping role, and to judge which side it would be more benficial for Hyrule to join.
Theme - Battle: The Landing
Theme - Ambient: The Place I'll Return To Someday
Username:Silver Lich
Name: Gilliak
Age: 43
Race: Dynalfos
Abilities/Special Training: Guerilla Warfare specialist, Scales hardened by Majora's gifts
Weapon(s): Serrated sword, shield, axe tail, Dark Hammer skull now used as a helmet
Personality: After serving Majora for ten years, Gilliak has hardened himself even more to deal with the few tasks the mad god has given him, coming to both love and hate his lord for a number of reasons. His pragmatic ways and Aran have been the only real constant in his life, along with a burning hate for Hyrule after finally opening up to the specter of Majora. While he still hates most Hylians, his expirences with Sarm, Viir, and his years with Aran have taught him that some of them deserve a chance, but it still hasn't doused the ideas in his head of one crushing the Kingdom of Hyrule. Despite keeping his nature of serving only the strongest, and finding that serving a god has given him a lord for the rest of his life, Gilliak refuses to follow Majora as with the zealous devotion as its followers, preferring only to be the soldier and warrior he was born and bred to be.
History: After waking up from the unconcious state his wounds inflicted by Knight Seargent Sarm had forced him into, Gilliak set out for hom with only the soldier Aran by his side, having earned the respect of the soldier during his time in the resistance. Now that he was free of the town he had been forced into out of desperation, Gilliak set their destination for Lizalfos territory, intent on at planting the seeds for a another army to take on Hyrule at the very least if he could not raise one himself. While recovering from his wounds, and while traveling near towns and villages, Gilliak allowed Aran to take care of their supplies and expenses, knowing that if he tried to do so it would only draw attention. While they traveled, Gilliak honed his skills as a Guerilla Specialist as best he could, while teaching Aran what he felt the Hylian Soldier should know about Guerilla tactics and how to survive in the wilderness.
When the two arrived within the part of the forests and swamps the Lizalfos people claimed for themselves, Gilliak was almost surprised that there had been several others from the failed campaign that had surived and come back as well, but few of them sought the same hope of creating another army like he did, and while he knew Aran could take care of himself, he felt the need to keep an eye on the Hylian soldier, the only real 'friend' that he still had from Hyrule. While Gilliak had tried to find ways to raise the army he wished, he found that Aran had earned the respect of many of Lizalfos, beating many of the challengers who came his way. Gilliak's efforts only paid off after four years of trying and looking for potential matriarchs, powerful females, warlords, champions, and others who would be willing to go along with his plan, when they all finally agreed to go along with his endaveour, on the condition that he prove to them that he would be able to give them proof it was possible to win this time. That gave Gilliak the perfect reason to head for Ikana Canyon and look for the Necromancer, setting out with Aran for the ancient deserted canyon, not telling him of his true intentions. Having never been to the canyon, Gilliak took some time to gather information about the canyon before heading out.
Once he had what he needed, Gilliak set out once again, with Aran as his only companion. When the two arrived on the outskirts of the canyon, Gilliak told Aran to wait for him while he investigated it. When he found the Necromancer, Gilliak found more than he could imagine: an army of stalfos, raised in secret for years, and still growing. Returning with the news of this, Gilliak's benefactors began raising the army, but he doubted Majora would wait for them, heading back to Ikana, only telling Aran when they headed back into the canyon, the soldier telling the Dinalfos that while he did not like it, he would follow him until he said otherwise. Now, after several years of waiting for the Necromancer to give the word that the time is coming, he awaits the time where he will return to make way for the army of the dead and whatever army his own people have mustered.
Username: Avatar of the Ice Wolf
Name: Foranar
Age: 155
Race: Darknut Dishonored
Abilities/Special Training: Years of training in the Darknut Legion. Has seen Warfare. Spent years surviving on his own against wild beasts since his exile. Can outrun most Darknuts, but not many of faster races. Attacks with a fierce rage instead of tempered discipline. Has had experience fighting a variety of races and creatures. Has his own fighting style that utilizes both the staple Darknut blade and his two maces.
Weapon(s): Twin Maces, one for each hand, and a Cliff Lord Sword.
Personality: Easily angered, enters battle in a frenzy, will fight to the death for honor's sake. He's not very talkative except when he's angry.
History: Foranar was amongst the top-class of Darknut Initiates. His superlative skills in combat caused him to rise through the ranks of the Legion's military. When he reached the rank of "Mighty", he was sent to the edge of the Faron Woods to protect an ancient temple while the Legion excavated and studied anything of value. He was assigned an entire contingents of Adepts and Initiates, as well as some Fokka scouts, to ensure his quarry remained secure. The local Lizalfos tribes did not take kindly to this large military presence on the border of their territory. A large Lizalfos army marched upon the temple in overwhelming numbers. Instead of facing death at the hands of the numberless hordes of lizard-men, Foranar abandoned his post and his men. Without their commander, the Legion's men were quickly slain by the savage Lizalfos. The temple was lost, and Foranar was the only survivor of the expedition. Upon returning home, Foranar was stripped of his rank for his cowardice and forced into exile as a dishonored one. He lived alone in exile for a time, but now has made a solemn vow to regain his honor with the blood of the Legion's enemies. He also seeks to accomplish his initial task by uncovering the temple's secrets himself. On his way back to the temple, he became caught up in a war that he knew nothing about. After defeating one of his Cliff Lord brethren in a duel, Foranar spotted a Dinalfos commanding Hylian scouts and began to charge him. He nearly killed the lizard, only to watch the beast transform into a powerful monstrosity by unknown means. He fled from the Lizalfos and met up with a group of rogue Twili. There, he met Nar, Cerule, and Ashera, the former he pledged his loyalty to. After a long conversation with the latter, he began to question his own goals and ideals. He came to accept the punishment and shame placed upon him as just and swore to overcome his own weakness. His resolve was tested when a great Leviathan attacked him in the dark of night. With unfaltering courage and determination, he drove the beast and his pet back into the seas with the Sacred Darknut weapon. In his mind, he has regained his honor before his ancestors. He now continues to travel with the Twili and his other companions, hoping to carve himself a new home and a new life alike in these foreign lands.
Theme: Battle theme:
Other: Foranar faces other Darknuts and Lizalfos with greater ferocity than he does members of other races. He has undying loyalty towards the Twili and will give his life for a member of Ashera's Twili, especially Ashera herself. He still awaits the chance to kill General Hemoth and Ghilliak.
Username: The Mask Wielder
Name: Gorh'Nii (Companion name: Igna)
Age: Unknown, best guess 184.
Race: River Zora and Forest Moblin hybrid.
Abilities: Can shoot venomous needles (Venom makes the target drunk), is about the size of a bigblin, has a pet morpha (The morpha is contained in a giant pot on Gorh'Nii's back), can summon a cult. (Not majora's cult
Special Training: This character has witnessed darknut strategies and will not back down from pain until he falls unconscious, Gorh'Nii will also bind his morpha with surrounding objects/creatures.
Weapons: Claws, teeth, needles, mists, morpha, tree, spines. (Spines pierce through armor and cause target to hallucinate)
Personality: Aggressive, has a liking to Moblins and zora/river zora, hates darknuts (besides Balorun), likes to hide underwater.
History: Gorh'Nii's river zora mother died during child birth, it is because of this his moblin father left while he was at the age of 6. After his father's leave he was found by a group of miniblins and lived with them until the age of 14. However, at the age of 14 he was more than double the size of his family's elder, for this reason he decided to search for a new home. It was not until the age of 28 he was allowed to live with a group of zora but he soon found they had little to nothing incommon with them and decided to leave once again. But after his departure, he found himself lost. Alone in the bitter cold of Mothulus he found himself tired, and desired rest. But little did he know about the area, he soon found himself unfreezing about a hundred years later and, after seeing his new body, decided to live with the bigblins for as long as he could. It was on this thought-to-be-final journey he found his best friend, Igna. After a few years of living with the bigblins, he was on his monthly walk through the Hyrule Plains and felt an overwhelming curiosity to see Castle Town for himself. It was then that Gorh'Nii found thousands of puny twilight at his finger tips to smash for no reason what so ever. After battling with the twilight and witnessing Foranar in battle, he had decided to submerge under a lake and later found Foranar floating above him. Enraged by the darknut's presence, he called to the cliff lord seeking a duel. After the duel was "over" Gorh'Nii decided to stalk the darknut in the following years. The wait is over now, and he has a decision to make. Leave him be, or attempt to destroy him and his lands.
Other: Although Gorh'Nii wouldn't start a fight with anything other than darknuts, (without reason) he would be more than happy to devour anything in battle with Moblins or the Zora/River Zora. (He will choose Moblins over Zora/River Zora if he had to choose between the two). He also finds Foranar and his kin irritating. (Feels small understanding towards Balorun) You will also find him ignoring deku scrubs and will lob anything available at his enemies. (Even his morpha at times) Gorh'Nii now wears iron battle armor. He also travels with a group of cultists as well.
Username: quenya
Name: Droma Deepwalker
Age: 22
Race: Subrosian
Abilities/special training: He is immune to heat and lava, as are his clothes. he is proficient with his pickaxe, and his innate speed and small size allow for greater maneuverability.
Weapons/Armor: He wields a hammer made of the hardest metals of Subrosia. His cloak is made of a lightweight and maneuverable metal mesh which can withstand extreme tempretures, and can also turn away most man-made (or Zora, Goron, Gerudo etc. made) weapons.
Personality: He is a very reserved and shy person, preferring to listen rather than speak, and is slow to trust anyone with his secrets. He is always collected, except when he’s in a high place, then he is extremely nervous and jittery.
History: Droma hails from the underworld of Subrosia. Growing up, he spent many years mining the rich ores found nowhere else. Once he was old enough, he learned to smelt and forge them. He was very skilled at this and became a master of the craft of metalworking. He fashioned for himself a blue robe of metal mesh, made from Azurite, the most heat-resistant of all metals found in Subrosia. Then the Subrosia portals began to open. At first, he was among those who thought these portals were nothing but trouble, but then he began to see it in a new light. He then decided to see the world and trade some of his extremely rare ore with the surface walkers. After leaving the underworld of Subrosia, he found it difficult to cope with being under the open sky, but since the Samasa Desert was very similar to his homeland (sandy and hot) he gradually became accustomed to the open sky above him. He first went to Horon, where he was welcomed by the New Dawn Republic. However, his pack full of ores was stolen by a Keaton thief, and he was lost. Fortunately, a friendly Goron saw his plight and helped him to get his sack of ores back. Since then, Droma likes Gorons more than any other Surface-walkers. He left the New Dawn Republic, seeing as how he had been robbed by one of the citizens without any repercussions upon the Keaton. He then heard rumors of a large Hylian city near the Goron homeland which welcomed all merchants and was a lawful place. And so he journeys to Kakariko with his sack of ores on his back and his hammer in hand.
Theme: Ambient, Battle
Other: Due to his proficiency with metal and metalworking, given the right materials and a place to work, he could craft very good weapons. Also, being a miner he has had experience making explosives.
Username: Wakerz
Name: Balorun
Age: 86
Race: Darknut
Ablilties: Equivalent to a powerful mighty, basic tactitian training, blademaster
Weapons: Darknut Claymore
Personality: Unusually light hearted for a Darknut, he nevertheless doesn't talk much after being reassigned. When he does talk it is blunt and to the point offering only useful information for the situation at hand or near future.
History: Formerly a Mainline soldier in the Darknut legion, an accident in the field that resulted in the death of his commander had him quietly shuffled out of the legion and assigned to escort the Darknut Ambassador to Hyrule where he could cause no more damage. once he made it to castle town he was discharged from service and left there as a permanent guard for when the ambassador is in town. Now leads a Mercenary Company called "The Wardens of Time" who have quickly raised to fame as the best of the best at what they do they also clear ancient ruins and dungeons for money and Relics. During this time he found a massive darknut relic Sword to big for most other races to lift let alone swing it, he also discovered a deity who tutored him in the sword for a time and gifted him masterwork Darknut armor allowing him to move more fluidly and swiftly than almost any other Darknut. Other: Despite his failure in the field he was allowed to keep his sword and armor to keep the Ambassador safe. The Claymore is to large to be used without both hands and as such he cannot us a shield
Username: Mjolnr839
Names: Alara and Elara
Age: 19
Race: Gerudo Twins
Abilities: Gerudo Pirates, expert sailors and marines. expert sword fighters and archers, and skilled with a variety of thorwing weapons. by no means unbeatable, but skilled enough to beat your average opponent, and able to give anyone a fight and make their opponents work for their victory. focus mainly on fast attacks and dodging over brute force, but due to a life of raiding mostly Labrynna ships though they have raided others, and raiding coastal towns of lizalfos and moblins, as well on the settlements on the other islands in the South Seas they are well used to combat. they are very accurate archers due to having learned how to shoot on the rolling seas, and by exentsion shooting on the solid ground is childs play to them. they are also very skilled barterers and merchants, and have quite a few black market contacts gained through their mothers influence were thay can find some extremely rare and useful items.....for the right price.
Weapons: Each twin carries a cutlass instead of the usual Gerudo scimitar, as well as a bow, and various throwing knives and daggers. their raiding of Labrynna ships has enabled them to collect quite the collection of Labrynnan pistol that they tend to save for when an opponent has to die Now. while very powerful, their pistols have a short range, tend to be innacurette, and are not so powerful that they can go through Darknut or Mech armor. they are quite the Kleptomanics and have ammassed a very impressive collection of useful things in their various pouches, pockets and bags. and they learned long ago, to always keep a large collection of potions on hand at all times, due to often being days away from land and any doctors. for armor they have wear suits of hardened yet lightweight and manuvorable leather armor. among their colelction are some enchanted and magical items, including quite a large amount of Fire and Ice arrows. they even have a few of the extremely race and powerful Light arrows that they save for threats that even their pistol won't take down.
Personalities: despite being Pirates and having to do often unsavory things, they are quite cheerful and friendly girls, often smiling, and able to make friends with most anyone they meet regardless of race. though they have an extreme distrust, and often outright hatred of Labrynnans due to them often raiding the pirate coves and lairs where they grew up. they think little better of Lizalfos or Moblins, yet unlike other Gerudo they have no mistrust or hatred of Hylians at all. their Kleptomaniac tendencies tend to get them in trouble however, although they would never take anything from a friend. they are quite eager to help their friends, and often get sidetracked from work when out and about in the mainland when they make port in the Gerudo Desert or Ordona to sell off their ill gotten gains. their lack of concern over death due to their upbringing, and tendency to say extremely violent things, and curse like well, Pirates, with a cheerful voice and bright expression often unerves, and "creeps out" people.
History: an inseperable Pair of Gerudo twins born to the Gerudo Pirates in the south seas. they were just children at the time of the Twili invasion, and their mother(s
Other: they are also quite Flirtatious, though due to being Gerudo, and raised on an island of nothing but women, it's not towards who you might think...... ----------------------------------------------
Name: Heriuno
Age: About 50-55 in Goron years
Race: Goron
Abilities/Special Training: Skilled with Goron weapons and unarmed combat. Knowledgeable about goddesses, especially Din. Slightly above average at logistics and negotiation due to experience as a trader
Weapon(s): Goron monk spade
Personality: World weary is probably the best word to sum him up. His faith in people, Goron, Hyrulian, or otherwise, is nearly nonexistent after seeing how brutal they could be to each other. He lives a minimalist life, seeing little appeal in the trappings of luxury. In combat, he is brave, often to a fault.
After the Battle of Castle Town
While still a bit dour at times for a Goron, Heriuno has lightened up quite a bit now that he's found an interesting pursuit and company he enjoys.
History: Heriuno was born the son of an minor clan chief. From a young age his passions were combat and learning more of the goddesses. His father tried to limit him to boxing and sumo wrestling with his fellow Gorons to keep him safe, but when a band of Dondongos attacked his town, and he killed three with his bare hands (though this number would more than triple with retelling) Heriuno could be held back no longer. He seized every opportunity to do battle with the creatures living in the Gorons mountains. Throughout this time he remained a devout follower of the goddesses, especially Din. After many years of this relatively easy life, following his passions, he came of age to become a tribal monk, and despite this being considered below his station he joined without a second thought. It was at this point that his father, upset over this decision, decided to cut all ties with his son. Heriuno did not last long in his new role. Now part of a military operation, not just the quests and fights of a young man, within a year he found himself in a pitched battle with a group of Zora. While little more than a skirmish, with a few hundred warriors on both sides, the brutality of the combatants on both sides and the number of deaths cam as a shock to Heriuno. After a few more battles like this, he could not handle it anymore. He snuck away in the night. It was a great shame to quit the monks, so he left the lands of the Gorons altogether. He eventually made his way to Castle Town, where he became an assistant to an old Goron trader, and before long took over for the senile Goron in all but name. He had begun to become accustomed to his quiet exile until the twilight came. Now, he feels the old draw of combat once again, and has started to question whether his new life of pacifism can last much longer.
After the Battle of Castle Town
The scars of his early life, both mental and physical, still remain, but Heriuno is more at peace than he has been since his youth. He has new brothers, and while the company in not the same as that of other Goron's, Heriuno is quite satisfied. He has used to investigation of old ruins to try and look into the history of the Goddesses, the worship of them, and their role in Hyrule. He has reached some fascinating conclusions about the nature of creation, and a possible ancient race that communicated directly with the Goddesses. The only part of this new existence he has a distaste for is the mercenary work they have been forced to do. He has fought for militaries and private contractors from almost every corner Hyrule and the surrounding nations. Heriuno had hoped to avoid combat in his new life, but he has been forced to participate in it several times over the last decade. He has learned to control his battle rage better, but he still despises killing. Currently, he and his companions are headed to Kakariko to to sell some goods, and hopefully investigate some Shiekah ruins.
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]
Username: Zectorman
Name: Cerule
Age: 31[/b]
Race: Lanaryu Hybrid
[b] Abilities/Special Training: Former Royal Marine for the Queen Rutela, he has a natural ability for sea faring from his father and diving skills from his mother. Years of Pirate raiding have made him even more cunning and dangerous learning many dirty fighting tricks.
Weapon(s): Aquanine Gilded Blade and buckler. Long-shot and various explosives from his satchel. Enchanted Coral-mold vestments (Now with a cape!)
Personality: Witty but quick tempered on the outside, he harbors feelings of loneliness and regret underneath. He is not afraid to provoke others into a fight, especially figures of authority (this due to his past and feelings of betrayal). Ten years after the Twili invasion, Cerule has become more like a pirate and less like a Marine. Having fought in many skirmishes Cerule is more cold and collected when it comes to war.
History: Born on the far side of the Lanaryu province in Ft. Rutelan, Cerule was raised a mariner. Learning from his Hylian sailorfather and Zora mother, he quickly learned all about the sea and its many mysteries. From sailing the treacherous oceans like his father, to diving far underneath the sea like his mother, he became a master of his deep sea domain.
Seeing the the most prestigious duties were in the military he quickly signed up, his natural skills propelled him to personal guard of the Royal Family. Only 18 and a Royal guardsmen was so far unheard of and he was admired for his aptitude for marine fighting. But like most of the younger generation, his great skill was balanced with a growing sense of superiority. He would harshly criticize his peers and his mouth eventually caught up to him when he remarked upon the "brat prince". Upon hearing of this, the Queen banished Cerule from court and from the land entirely. Bitter and naive, Cerule quickly became a pirate of harsh renown. His gang eventually consisting of Hybrids like himself, and even so far to recruit river zora and geozards!
Ten years have passed since the Twili incursion and Cerule's reputation has increased ten fold. Based off an Atoll in the Frozen sea of the north, Cerule leads his pirate navy across the coasts from Wayaway to the Old Moblin Kingdom! Having spent most of his wealth on his island fort and various expenses (Expensive partying and buying loads of new battle gear for him and his men; including a Gilded balde and magical armor) he has all but run out of the stolen treasure that was supposed to last him his entire life....But rupees never least with a man who has a lust for the finer things! His raids have gained him infamy among all coastal nations, to a point where all ship travel has decreased or have increased in security. Pirating has become very hazardous for Cerule and the money was running out. Only receiving a few cuts in most sea battles before, now Cerule has acquired full blown scars from having to assault Coastal towns and Island forts just to get by! The various navies were closing in on Cerule when the Tempest War started to loom. King Ralis, looking for revenge against the unprovoked Goron attacks and respite from Cerule decided to make a deal with him. Become a Privateer for Lanayru and you will be given a pardon and title upon completion of his mission. That mission, to raid and harass the gorons and goron sympathizers until hostilities stopped; whether that be by diplomatic means or by war. Seeing this as a chance to keep all his power in the north and reacquire his wealth Cerule took the pardon without a second thought.
Cerule decided going through Lanayru to Death Mountain would be to risky, seeing as how the gorons would be guarding those borders too tightly. Cerule has gone around through Hyrule to get at the Gorons, setting up shop in Kakariko. In the Zora supporters part of town, Cerule has made his hideout in the cellar of a supporters Inn. There Cerule waits and plans, whistling and singing pirate shanty's all the while.
[b]Theme: Ambient
Other: Had relations with Nar and still has feelings for her; Holds no grudge against sarm or any of the other former comrades. Cerule does not take pleasure in killing innocent Gorons but will kill goron warriors or any that are deemed a threat to Zora interests.
Username: Sage of Wind 890
Name: Raenon
Age: 18
Race: Dark Keaton (see Dark Hyrule Castle from Minish Cap)
Abilities/Special Training: can create a dark cloud around him; is a master thief
Weapons: dual daggers and throwing stars, though he can pretty much make a weapon out of anything.
Personality: sly, witty, and extremely insolent.
History: Born in Trillby Highlands, Raenon was born in a bandit camp. At 14 years old he proved that he was the best thief there. The camp leader felt threatened, and banished Raenon. He came back one night and stole all of the amassed rupees that the clan had. He spent it all over 2 years. He then thought of his family, and decided to steal back what he thought he owed them.It took 2 more years. He travelled to his old camp and found everyone dead.Now he’s coming to Kakariko to find out who did it
Theme: ambient battle