Use the information below to locate all the items in Living Room Scene. A lot of items have been included and some have been moved around. The following information will assist you to increase your points on this neighbor challenge. This image discovers the spot of alomost the Living Room items at this point. As the game creates these items at random , there may be some that will show up as choices in the future.
Living Room Scene Screenshot
- 8 ball
- Accordion
- Archer’s bow
- Ashtray & 4.1 Bandages
- ?Basket of Apples
- Beret
- Bicycle
- Bird
- Bonsai
- Bottle
- Bowling ball
- Camera
- Candle stick
- Clock
- Compass
- Cradle
- Dragon
- Electric fan
- Extension cord
- Fire
- Flag
- Flask
- Flute
- Folded cloth
- Fountain pen
- Framed leaf
- Fuses
- Golden urn
- Green bottle
- Gumball machine
- Hand fan
- Hand saw
- Hat box
- Horse wagon
- Horseshoe
- Jump rope
- Kettle
- Lampshade
- Landscape painting
- Lantern
- Lighter
- Mirror
- Mug
- Necklace
- Oar
- Ornate jug
- Outlet
- Phonograph
- Pick
- Pipe
- Pitcher & basin
- Portrait
- Puzzle piece
- Quill
- Rifle
- Rolled map
- Roses
- Scissors
- Sleeping bag & 59.1 Spyglass
- Steering Wheel
- Suitcase
- Terrier
- Train
- Typewriter
- Umbrella
- Vacuum
- Watering can
- Wicker basket
- Wooden doll
- Wrench
- Yacht
- Yarn