Hidden Chronicels Stage Coach is a Scene that was introduced on May 05th in Hidden Chronicles. Is a FastFind & Guardian Challenge scene that you’ve to unlock first by requesting Friends & Neighbors to send you the necessary amounts of materials just like you had for a Spring Egg Hunt.
Here with a guide showing you where to find Hidden Chronicels Stage Coach items, make sure to check out the images below!
Hidden Chronicels Stage Coach Scene Screenshot
Hidden Chronicels Stage Coach Scene Items
A game of this genre has limited appeal in that it requires the player to have a good memory for detail and placement or an excellent eye for detail. Initially I loved it for those very reasons; however the game has issues which are allegedly still under investigation.
Having numerous game playing friends then technically I should not have any problems completing any mission that requires me to enlist my friends you might think? Actually regardless of how many friends I asked and those that offered (its part of the gaming process, you ask and then they accept, and then you accept their offer) very few acceptances were coming through. Mostly I got a message and no placement which is a very frustrating experience; so a task that I could have completed within a day would take 3-4 days while I pestered every friend on my list and kept getting acceptances but no team.Another gaming aspect that causes problems for the player visually is the placement of hidden packages which are generally easy to spot as they resemble old fashioned green travelling cases. These get littered about your country estate as part of a reward system which visitors leave automatically, they cannot choose whether to leave one as not leaving one means that they cannot visit. Moving your mouse cursor over any package you are shown who left the gift and you can either return the visitor or not though you are encouraged to thank them by pressing a button. Roughly 95% of the time this process works until you start to get packages that refuse to open, and unfortunately these cannot be moved anywhere and stacked in a corner.