One day I got tired trying to explain how mods are installed with Steam and then Squid came along with his Kingdoms Launcher App. A short time later musicdemon applied the tool to Third Age and wrote an instruction on how to do the stuff hands on.
And then I came and generalized that instruction. So without further ado I give you the "Mod Install for Steam" tutorial:
All credit (and rep) goes to:
Step by step instruction
- Run your game at least once before installing any mods (thanks bohema)
- Make sure you run this program as administrator
- Install your brand new mod, but make sure to change your install directory as follows:
From - C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War64-bit Windows Users:
To - C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\medieval ii total war
From - C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGA\Medieval II Total War
To - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\medieval ii total war
- Repeat step two for any other parts\patches of this mod
- Download the Kingdoms Launcher App designed by Squid. This tool modifies the necessary registry entries to enable a mod start via Steam's Medieval II\Kingdoms Launcher.
- Run the Kingdoms Launcher App
Step 1:
- Click "File\New mod"
Step 2:
- Enter the reference name of your mod (I am shamelessly using my CoW 1.4.4 - Easy and painfree Installation as example)
- Choose which EXE will be used, medieval2 or kingdoms
- Click on 'Browse'
Step 3:
- Browse to your mod's base folder and click\highlight it
- Click 'OK'
Step 4:
- Your Config file details and Path to the mod will automatically be entered
- Click "OK"
Step 5:
- The name of your mod's entry appears now in the list of the Launcher Application
- Click "File\Exit" or use the close button on the top right of the frame
Step 6:
- Run the Kingdoms Launcher and select your mod from the list
- Play
Note: the above instructions are for version 1.4 of Squid's Kingdoms Launcher Application. Please drop me a PM if this is outdated at any time.
Removing an entry:
Simply open the application, high light the entry and then click 'File\Delete Mod Settings' - this will only remove the installation from the launcher, you will have to remove the actual mod installation via the mod's uninstaller or do it manually in your browser.