in response to these great people i will tell you all a bit of something:
to bypass battleye bans , the installer has an algorythm which checks a key like ilove-elvis-9282-owyea-love-elvis
against a real key , which in turn however stores a real VALID key in memory to check the fake key against , all it is is a matter of finding it in the memory.
now onto another tip , to bypass bi2 signatures , do exactly the same as you do with normal sign files except search for the bi2 sig bytes( for a bi2 check server) and replace the needed bytes , same for bi1 check servers search for the standard bi sign bytes .
for ip ban: if you have a router google how to reset your mac adress inside said router , then switch off power this will give you a new ip , if you are not behind a router , go into mac settings for your network card and change 1 number or letter, power off and power back on ( try 5 minutes ) , welcome to a new ip.
for id bans : search the text face or default ..inside a packet and you will see your id in there , filter it and change it btw anything will work for an id .. eg FUCKADMINS instead of 21873632 etc have fun .
ps @ bi developement team : i wonder what happens if you send a packet with a malformed pbo name?
have fun anticheaters amongst us because i am sure the cheaters will have fun with you
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