Example MOvie M16 and Magnum
Example MOvie for Machine Guns
any comments or usefull hints are welcome since its beta
Important : Since its based on pixelread and mousemove it depends on your resolution and FOV
Important : Since its based on pixelread and mousemove it depends on your resolution and FOV
readme !
2. activate Antirecoil, activate Hotkeys via interface buttons
3. Hold ur right mousebutton and shoot with leftmousebutton = script active !!! only left mousebutton = script NOT active
4. edit ur settings ingame : example m16 : if it pulls to much up push pagedown/Bildrunter once,twice .... until its steady
if it pulls to much right push Delete/entf once,twice.....
switch to the script interface and type in any slot for example " m 16 " and push save
u can load ingame ur settings for the gun by pushing the numpad button, it will tell u the name u have saved ingame
5. burst button : select ur button first via interface : it will tell u the button number " Button 6 selected and saved "
make sure your key has no keybinding ingame !
u can edit the time between burst1 and burst2 and burst3..... like 3 shots ,100ms pause ,3shots
delay will be saved as well for every slot
6. u can enable script by the hotkeys ingame, will tell u the state of the script via voice
updated version
- downspeed enabled for negative number ( -6)
- go to tray button added
- sound volume slider
- new icon
1. Disable Rawinput in BF3
2. activate Antirecoil, activate Hotkeys via interface buttons
3. Hold ur right mousebutton and shoot with leftmousebutton = script active !!! only left mousebutton = script NOT active
4. edit ur settings ingame : example m16 : if it pulls to much up push pagedown/Bildrunter once,twice .... until its steady
if it pulls to much right push Delete/entf once,twice.....
switch to the script interface and type in any slot for example " m 16 " and push save
u can load ingame ur settings for the gun by pushing the numpad button, it will tell u the name u have saved ingame
5. burst button : select ur button first via interface : it will tell u the button number " Button 6 selected and saved "
make sure your key has no keybinding ingame !
u can edit the time between burst1 and burst2 and burst3..... like 3 shots ,100ms pause ,3shots
delay will be saved as well for every slot
6. u can enable script by the hotkeys ingame, will tell u the state of the script via voice
updated version
- downspeed enabled for negative number ( -6)
- go to tray button added
- sound volume slider
- new icon